
About this mod

Norse ENB is highly influenced by Norway and natural tones in shade and color to inspire the feeling of being there. Looks great in VR.

Permissions and credits

is the latest file
This setting uses temporal AA. Still set it up how you like but turn this off if you want to use your own AA. Highly influenced by Norway and natural tones in shade and color to inspire the feeling of being there. Looks great in VR. DOF is turned off by Default and can be turned on in the ENB interface.
This preset could be used with any light and weather mod without any problem
it was just built using the above mentioned light and weather mods which are close to vanilla as you can get honestly.

will be adding a color profile that can be patched into other ENB's soon!

The instructions below are for the older files.

Install manually After ENB.308,
follow the install rules there. not hard. If you want pictures like mine use texture mods of your preference like Skyrim HD, Better Land Textures, Maybe Realistic Water TWO for great water. And that's it. The rest is unchanged unless you change it. Oh.. and I'm using only vanilla FXAA from the Skyrim Launcher so either continue using your preferred AA or stop using your old setup and turn on FXAA in your Launcher. Of course please setup ENB properly. Also, I have used this preset with careful setup adding some of Skyrim Reloaded's better parts. I didn't like the Godrays, or the ssao (ENB does that in ths preset), but did keep the Camera mode (Resently have alternate ini. without it because it causes crash when the map is pulled up), and DoF. The Cinema mode is just a letterbox so its useful in turning it on and off through the SKGE ini. Read me included for instructions.
                                   Enjoy the harsh beauty of this preset!