All Credit goes to tiwa44, for his UNP Minidresses mod.
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Version 1.2c
Added UUNP bodyslide version.
Version 1.2b
Light and Heavy sandals can now be tempered.
Version 1.2a
Fixed the bone weight problem and clipping from previous CBBE version.
Version 1.2
Removed the severed feet from the item preview.
Will now appear on males as moth priest sandals.
Fixed the ground mesh. The sandals should now have proper physics when you drop them, and can also be picked up...
Version 1.1
Added Heavy and Light versions.
Version 1.0
Initial release
A standalone mod which adds a craftable pair of leather sandals to the tanning rack. It has Heavy, Light and Cloth versions. For females only.
There is also an optional replacer that can replace many of the shoes that female NPC commoners wear with the leather sandals. Won't effect male shoes.
This is a simple retexture of the wedding sandals using the mesh made by tiwa44 in their UNP Minidresses mod which you can find here: UNP Minidresses Collection by tiwa44. Also edited the mesh for a CBBE and UUNP versions.