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About this mod

This mod adds a Nordic style city with a fortified castle in the center that serves as a home for the player, a fully functional city with vendors, adds new Utgardianos warriors who will be the people led by Dragonborn with new items and decorations, I hope you enjoy.How to begin-Just activate the mod and a marker will appear on the n

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Thank you in advance to all who come back here to leave your comments of support, endorse, votes or a donation, always appreciated thanks!

In a small icy and remote island almost lost on the map in Atmora region lived a people of warriors the Utgardianos. Not very numerous but fierce a bunch of naval warriors and masters of hand to hand combat with powerful shields and their bloody axes the Utgardianos stood out because of their fierce warriors. These people due to intense weather conditions from which they've always lived for generations, have developed an extreme resistance to cold. So much so, that they are almost immune to cold.
However a major event would change the history of Utgardianos. An extreme earthquake rocked the homeland of Utgardianos ripping the island in half, annihilating almost all its population. While trying to flee in despair the last of Utgardianos were loaded onto a ship by their courageous King Heimdall, who insisted to be the last man to board until all the survivors were safe. Fate was not in his favor, in the final seconds a large bolder up the mountain was unearth and rolled down and crushed the lower half of his body.  In his last gasps, Heimdall reveals that had a lost child he never knew in a distant land known as Skyrim. The witch of his kingdom had given the child a unique name, his heir was known as "carrier of dragon souls."
Shaken by destruction of their homeland and the loss of their great king, they were invigorated by the hope of finding their new leader in the lands of Skyrim. The Utgardianos traveled a great distance to reach the coast of Skyrim. They landed between Dawnstar and Solitude and named their village "Utgard" to honor their ancestors. Now established they seek their heir to the throne, the child that is the "carrier of dragon souls."
That the child lead them to better and more prosperous days by taking the place of their beloved,King Heimdall.

If you want to like my page in facebook and join me :)

Start new Patreon!

If you would like to thank me for this mod, please read below. Otherwise, you can skip
the text, which is not related to the mod itself. (See spoiler)

Greetings to all my dear friends and followers! Thank you for reading this text.
If at least one of you get what I’ll be saying here and put in practice what I’m writing
about, or, if my words help you somehow, all the effort I dedicated to the creation and
development of this mod, as well as so many others, will be made worth it.

Have you ever thought about what you have been doing to make the world a better
place? It is a hard task, isn’t it? Specially when we find ourselves immersed in personal
issues, essential/existential problems, heavy work routines, and the list goes on... I
understand it–better than you can imagine.

Yet, one day I decided to suspend the exterior queries and get some time to look inside
myself. “To look inside oneself?”, you might ask. It can sound weird at a first, as it was
for me in the beginning of this intimate and profound journey—a search for something
superior. I started reconsidering my behavior, analyzing my right attitudes and mistakes
from the past. From then on, I began working on each one of my faults and weaknesses
by looking at myself as if I were an spectator, observing me in the third person. With
each of my faults mapped, I started observing what was leading me to commit each
error. This task takes time, the results don’t come overnight, but it will transform you
substantially, if you allow it to happen.

I eliminated most of my anger, hate, greed, envy, and vanity, among other
imperfections. I still have a lot to learn and I hope to die learning. Hence, I try to be a
little better every single day. Scientific studies have shown that negative emotions cause
diseases such as cancer, and they have a huge negative social impact. I’m not better nor
worse than anybody else; all of us have these and other imperfections to smaller or
greater degree.

These negative emotions are the reason why so many people are starving in the world,
or pay huge amounts of money for medicine that are in fact, cheap to produce—in such
a way that few can make fortunes. And those who need it most don’t have access to
basic necessities—while corrupt politicians steal taxpayer's money with their insatiable
and deranged greed.

This is only a small part of the troubles caused by these character flaws, which are truly
a worldwide disease. Yet, you all know about the problems of the world. What many
people don’t know it is how to start solving these problems, how to improve the quality
of life in the world. Along the years, I listed some of my conclusions and inspirations. A
good point of departure is to start following these steps:

1– What you do not want done to yourself, do not do onto others.

2– At a certain point in your life you will harvest the seeds of the good and the bad you
have done. It can take many years, but one day what you have done will get back to you
(so, do good deeds, “greasy soul”! lol)

3– Try to take something good out of the bad things that happen to you. There are
lessons to be learned.

4– Before criticizing others, try to put yourself on their shoes and ask yourself if you
wouldn't do the same, or how would you act better under the same circumstances. Know
yourself very well before judging the others.

5– Try to always show a positive attitude. This attracts good things (yeah, it is hard, I
get it—specially with a half dozen trolls salivating on your neck, but be faithful and you
will succeed).

6– Don’t take things for granted. Be grateful for the good things you receive, and for the
ones you already have, by forgetting for a moment what you don’t have.
Very well then. Look at the #1: “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to
others”– How much better the world would be if everybody followed only this thought?
Much, much better... wouldn’t it?
Folks, think about it. How can we make the world a better place if, so often, we
ourselves are sick?

It is simple: start by improving yourself. Practice the list above. I put it in practice and I
improved a lot—personally and toward the ones around me. That is the reason why I’m
sharing it with you. Acquire knowledge by studying many books, religions, and
philosophies. Have an open mind, absorb the best of each lesson, and build your own
truth. Eventually, you will see the world and the circumstances more clearly.
Look inside yourself. It all starts with this. Question yourself, and, if feasible, follow the
six steps above. I can assure you the world would be a much better place if people
followed it. You might not be perfect, but you can be a little better at each day. It is up
to you.

Well, that’s it. I may not be the Lord of Universal Truth, but I’m talking to you with an
open heart, sharing my two cents. I hope no one will take a wooden baton and beat my
head with it thinking I’m crazy... Or, perhaps it is the world that is?
Open your eyes and your consciousness. Thank you for reading this far. I wish the best
for each of you. The power of change is in the hands of each one of us. Don’t wait for
the change to happen—be the change!
Peace and light to everyone.


What this mod does-
This mod adds a Nordic style city with a fortified castle in the center that serves as a home for the player, a fully functional city with vendors, adds new Utgardianos warriors who will be the people led by Dragonborn with new items and decorations, I hope you enjoy.
How to begin-
Just activate the mod and a marker will appear on the northern coast of Skyrim between Solitude and Dawnstar search for a village called "Utgard". The castle is already rightfully his "read the story" so just come and take possession.
Adds a new functional city to the game.
- New axe
- New armor
- New Shield
- New flags
- New Castle player property
- New town guard (Utgardianos)
- Several NPCs
- Alchemist
- Mead Hall
- General trader
- Meat trader
- Blacksmith
- Mine
- Player house
- Many Houses

Update 1.1 Replace the old files to save and load ok

* Combat system talk to guards that is being attacked and the battle will begin.

* When you start your attacks will collect population leaving only the warriors to return population just talk to the guard at the end of the battle.

* New general added the throne room he will recover his guard who died training new guards.

* New enemies Sea Raiders.

* At the end of the battle all enemies bodies will be collected to collect the bodies of his guards speak to the general, asking to restore guards.

* Two new patrol guards one around the castle wall and another patrol around the city.

Update 1.2 Replace the old files to save and load ok

* Solved some small bugs

* Now Sea Raider has Leader and more two spawns in battle mode.

* Two followers add in castle.

* Add armored circlet and Necklace  to Utgard Guards

* Add light and Heavy Utgard armor to craft and Improve in steel category.

* Workbench add in Blacksmith

* remove compression (maybe solve CTD that some have)

 Update 1.3 Become Lord of Utgard

- New equipment added to the invaders Sea Raiders!

-Armor and shield Sea Raider can be improved and manufactured in leather category needs the perk steel.

- Now you can buy cheese dairy and receive a daily income! Click on board.

-Now You can take the goats milk once a day and do Utgar Goat Cheese.

-You can buy bakery and receive income and breads!

- You can buy house lumberjack and receive income and firewood daily.

- New warehouse added next to the castle is where your income is deposited!

- The problem of the guards attacked his horse must be resolved.

- Sea Raider were better leveled.

- Minor bugs fixed.

Good fun my friends 

Only the updated version of Skyrim does not require any of the DLC's

Recommended Mods to enhance your experience with my mod! (Optional)

NobleSkyrimMod HD-2K by Shutt3r (greatly improves the visual exterior and interior)
Training Dummies and Targets by B1gBadDaddy (allows you to use the training area of ​​the dolls to gain experience)
My Home Is Your Home - a mod for followers (allows you to bring followers to live in the city or castle)

Use Nexus Mod Manager and activate LC_BecomeLordofUtgard.esp
(Make a save BKP before activating the mod as security, this step is recommended for any mod you are installing especially if you have scripts, the first versions of this mod will not have script but the next version will).
 Extract arquivo.rar in some directory of your machine to place the folder "data" into your "Skyrim" folder and yes to replace any file if asked.

Use NMM or enter your data folder delete this files:

gerakus friend support me all time thank you!

Early-Middleages Helmets pack by VAultMaN30

Yet Another Guard Armor by Vaultman30

Historical Revival - The Roman Era by Jedo Dre and the team

Modder's Resource Pack by Oaristys and Tony67

FoodContainer Resource by Blary

Modder's Resource Pack - The Witcher Extension by Oaristys

• CD Projekt for EVERYTHING. You're awesome, guys.
The Witcher meshes and textures are owned and copyrighted by CD Projekt and used with permission.
The Witcher is a trademark of CD Projekt. All rights reserved.

Simply Circlets by jet4571
Rug Resource by yourenotsupposedtobeinhere

If I forgot someone let me know by pm please mixed some folders and made a mess here.