About this mod
Adds three rings to give the player increased speed while walking, running and sprinting.
- Permissions and credits
This mod adds three rings to Skyrim. Ring of minor speed gives the player an increase of 75%. Ring of major speed increases speed by 150% and ring of extreme speed gives a 225% increase. I have added another file that gives slower effects. The speed increases in the slower rings file are 15% 30% and 45%.
Right now the only bug I can find is if you put a ring in your favorites menu (pressing q) and you put the ring on from your favorites menu the speed effect doesn't apply right away. You have to either draw your weapon, use your weapon, open up your menu or press alt to get the effect to take place. The weird part is if you take the ring off from the favorites menu it does get rid of the effect right away. No idea why this happens but I am looking in to it.
WARNING: If you try this mod and absolutely hate it, DO NOT SAVE WHILE WEARING A RING. If I save while wearing a ring and then choose to not load the mod I still get the effect and cannot figure out how to get rid of it. I have tried a couple things but none of them seem to work right now so hopefully I can get this fixed soon. I think you can get rid of the speed effect with a console command but I am not completely sure.
Plans for next week when the CK is out:
-Get rid of the noise the player makes when a ring is put on.
-Make rings disenchantable
-Allow rings to be purchased from certain people
-Allow rings to be found as loot according to player level
-fix bug of putting the ring on form the favorites menu
Don't forget to endorse if you like it!
Update 1.1:
-rings now use the Ring of Hircine template
-ring descriptions are now correct (thanks draenn for your help)
Update 1.0:
-rings can now be made at any forge
-per request rings now use the Ring of Namira template
Updating installation:
1. unzip the file
2. replace the old esp with the new one
1. unzip the file
2. put the esp into your skyrim data directory and load it
If you want to have fun with skooma check out my other mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=7269