About this mod
A small patch to fix spelling and grammar errors in MannyGT's "The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal"
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This mod is the fifth in my series of Typo Patches aiming to completely fix the spelling and grammar in the best mods on the Nexus. Skyrim has so many interesting, enjoyable mods of exceptional quality, but often a few simple typos can spoil immersion and be an enormous source of irritation for many people. My Typo Patch series is designed to solve this problem.
This time round, I'm looking at MannyGT's excellent "The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal". Currently, this mod fixes small capitalization issues in item, cell, activator and NPC names, and also rewords the names of some of the Quests to seem more professional and blend better with the vanilla quests. This is very much a preliminary version of a WIP mod, and I aim to expand it as and when I find more errors; see the Change Log for a list of the fixes.
I have been unable to test this on any other machines than my own, so make sure you back up any saves before installing, and please let me know if it causes any problems (though since all it should do is edit a few text files, I don't really see how it could).
This requires the latest update of Skyrim and version 2.0DC of The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal. In terms of load order, this should be loaded anywhere after Gray Fox Cowl.esm, but is best installed with Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organizer and sorted with LOOT. If you're one of those bizarre people who doesn't use a mod manager, simply drop the files into Skyrim's Data Folder, but I really wouldn't recommend doing that. You'll mess up eventually.
MannyGT is the author of The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal and presides over its files. This mod is not supported by them in any way, shape or form, and is an independent mod with its own responsibilities and faults.
Other Typo Patches
Typo Patch - Moonpath to Elsweyr
Typo Patch - Falskaar
Typo Patch - Wrath of Nature - The Path of the Druid
Typo Patch - Darkend
Also, AndrealphusVIII has produced some "Tweaks and Enhancements" patches that fix typos and more:
Wyrmstooth - Tweaks and Enhancements
Agent of Righteous Might - Tweaks and Enhancements
Beyond Reach - Tweaks and Enhancements