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About this mod

bub bub bub

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this is my hack and slashed enb setup. its perfect for what i want for
now and i keep consistent 35 to 60 fps without using fxaa, just enb.on
a geforce 465 so yeah, BADASS. the pallet texture took a while to get
right where i wanted it but im pretty happy with it. do with it what
you will.

thanks to boris ddd remmy hd6 and others

Msiafterburner solution provided by JJ8132

ok after some tweaking with msi afterburner i got it to work wit enb. For people wanting to keep msi afterburner running for their profiles you need to go to MSI On-Screen Display Server and change application detection to none and turn off onscreen display. With that i got the mod fully running and i havent noticed a performance hit at all yet.