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About this mod

Some tweaks I made to WinterFlame's Smart Training mod, which makes your training sessions carry over to the next level if you don't train the max times allowed on your current level.

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Check Out My Other Mods


This tweaks some things in WinterFlame's fantastic Smart Training mod, which makes it so if you don't train the max times allowed on your current level, they will carry over to the next level. This mod is standalone, but if you like it you should download and endorse the original Smart Training mod.

click here for SE version

- I added an MCM so you can choose how many training sessions you get per level, rather than it being dependent on your initial level.

- When you train now, it will build towards an extra perk point. The reasoning being if you learn something from a teacher you're likely to learn more than
if you did so on your own, and also I wanted a somewhat immersive way to buy perk points. You can set how many times you need to train before you get   an extra perk point in the MCM. When you first activate the mod, you will also get extra perk points for the times you have already trained based on your   settings. You can also as of version 1.3 disable this feature all together if you want.

- The script will now only fire when you level up, or when you exit the training menu, rather than updating every 5 seconds, which is better for
  performance if you're like me and have a bunch of scripted mods.

This mod will conflict with other mods that change the iTrainingNumAllowedPerLevel setting in game with scripts. It is however safe to update to this mod from the original Smart Training mod.

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If installing for the first time, extract to your Skyrim/Data folder and check in your load order. Choose your settings in the MCM and activate the mod.

IMPORTANT! Only activate the mod if you haven't trained yet on your current level. Otherwise wait until you level up before activating the mod.

If updating from the original mod, delete the SmartTraining.bsa file from your Skyrim/Data folder and then install this one and overwrite when prompted.
Remember only activate the mod if you haven't trained yet on your current level.

Deactivate the mod in the MCM and uncheck or delete the esp.

Again to WinterFlame for the original Smart Training mod.

Shameless Self Promotion
For those still reading, and who are interested. I'm a musician. Here are some projects I'm in. Check em out :)

Genre: Experimental/Jazz

Genre: 80's Synth Pop