About this mod
A small family house northeast of Ivarstead in one of the most beautiful locations in Skyrim. Secluded and secure. Fits 2 kids and 2 followers.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations

Shiny new family house near Lost Knife Hideout. Sort of modest.
Mod works as intended, so don't expect any updates.
I don't develop old mods any more.

Follow me on social media for WIP pics and stuff-stuff:

Pictures don't really do this house justice.
You need to see it on video or experience it in game!
- Skyrim up to date
- Update.esm
- Hearthfires.esm
- All vanilla crafting
- Blacksmithing area
- Farm animals
- Secluded location
- Extra room for 2 followers and storage
- Tons of safe storage
- Kitchen your mother would be jealous of
- Harvestable crop
- GORGEOUS clutter and custom furniture
- Lots of shiny new models/items from modder's resources
- Outhouse
For moving your family to the lodge you need Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions Mod. When you have the mod, use the spell "Bless Home" inside the home and tell your kids to move into your "nice new home".

WEAPON PLAQUES ARE STATIC ON PURPOSE. I hate how they glitch out and eat weapons. Use Jaxonz Positioner to add what you want on them.
- Bed gives well rest/family/spouse bonus
- House is simple and modest to a degree. It's not a museum or a mansion for a great collector.
It's a basic house for a simple family (Originally made for a retired smith and his scholar / alchemist wife)
- Cleaned and polished with TES5edit
tl;dr. Check the Perms tab
for saving my life with his mastery of the LOD and fixing the mod-ruining LOD bubble over the house
The Witcher 2 meshes and textures are owned and copyrighted by CD Projekt and used with permission.
The Witcher is a trademark of CD Projekt. All rights reserved.