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A retexture of the carved wall murals found in Nordic ruins. 2K and 1K versions available.

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is a retexture of the carved stone murals found in Nordic ruins. You will commonly see them in the inner "sanctum" areas where the puzzle doors are found. The vanilla textures are not very detailed, and the murals are quite large, so the designs tend to be a bit hard to make out. My aim was to improve on that.

The very popular Re-Defined Dungeons mod has a 2K retexture of the murals which improves the legibility of the designs. The author, gizmomzig , was kind enough to allow me to use his textures as part of my own retexture of the wall murals. I wanted to combine certain elements of the vanilla design, with gizmomzig's, and add my own take on the murals. I was never happy with the overall texture of the stone, it looked too smooth and featureless. I wanted to impart more crags and cracks into the surface to show the antiquity of the stone murals. I also wanted to push the depth of the designs, so they were easier to distinguish in the dark ruins.

There are 11 mural designs in total, the 9 unique center designs, and the 2 lintel designs (the top headpiece, and the side design). The characters are as follows: Bear, Dragon, Fox, Hawk, Moth, Owl, Snake, Whale, and Wolf. Not much else to add, other than I started a new playthrough, so I only have screenshots from the Bleak Falls Barrow location. That leaves out a number of the designs, but I think the pictures will at least give people a good idea of the general appearance. If anyone wants to add any of the missing designs to the gallery, I would be most appreciative. I only managed to get screenshots of the Bear, Dragon, Moth, and Owl designs (and their matching headpieces).

2K and 1K versions are available, so pick the appropriate size for your setup. I hope people enjoy this little rustic addition to their game. 
