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Tasheni Followers Part One Playthrough No 2
It takes a long time to gather all members of my party and there are a lot of miles to run. So this video got very long.Unfortunately the shadows in the recording are very pixelated. Ingame everything looked alright. Maybe my rig is too weak with all those mods and running OBS alltogether. I will try to fix that for the next video, but can't promise.The quests with Rikja didn't work as expected and tested a thousand times before, but of course without any mods. I guess that some of the animation mods interfer here, but I'm not sure. It wasn't game breaking, I just went on my own to the requested locations to finish the quests. And yes, you will hear some misspellings - most of us are german and still learning the language. Please overlook that, it's not too hard.I'm not familiar with Spellsiphone, yet, that results in some unfortunate failures with using magic - well, I'm just an apprentice here. Never used magic much in my plays, but this time I will try.The showcase modlist is just what I have installed, I do not make a real showcase of these mods, but they are present and active. If you do not find your mod on this list, it's because I can't select it from the list nexus provides. I use some mods more that aren't on nexus anymore. I will make a whole list, but at the moment this must be enough for now.Then let's get to the next part soon.
Patrician ENB Anniversary Edition
Showcase of the new upcoming version of Patrician ENB.- Enbseries 0.444- More weather variations- 11 new luts- better performances- etc....Stay tuned.
Christmas in Skyrim - Skyrim LE 4K 60fps
A look at Skyrim on the 25th of Evening Star, otherwise known as Saturalia, Skyrim's version of Christmas. Enjoy the sweet sounds of Jeremy Soule's 'Ancient Stones' as you're swept off to the cold Norther province of Skyrim.
Shooting stars over Whiterun
Really cool to just see them happen like that.
Skyrim - Top 10 Mod Authors and Their Best Mods
More Skyrim movies and mod reviews at my [url=]YT channel[/url]. Welcome! :)
Skyrim - Top 10 Best ENB of All Times - 2017 Comparison
How to make Skyrim graphics next gen - Complete Mod List
Mix of many places. Hi there, More than 200+ mods No CTDs, no freezes, it's over now. Constantly running 50fps or so. New videos are to be uploaded showcasing mods that I just found out. If you like this video, feel free to comment, share, like! *This is classic Skyrim, I don't intend to play the Special Edition. Some infos: GTX 1060 - I5 - 8GBRAM Tetrachromatic ENB
Let's Roleplay Modded Skyrim - A Damned Story - Episode 1 - The Exile
Skyrim Relax 2 - Ultimate Visual Setup 2017
Skyrim Relax - Ultimate Visual Setup 2017
Skyrim Modders - Isoku
A look at the author of some of the best visual effect mods around, Isoku. His Nexus Profile: (
Seasons of Skyrim ENB Showcase
A short and varied video showing off the absolute beauty of modded skyrim, it amazes me how this community just will absolutely not let this game die.