About this mod
Flying Mod beta by porroone is awesome. It works pretty damn well but its beta. Also I found that it had a few bugs, plus I disagreed with the choice of making stamina the requirement instead of magicka. I fixed all the bugs I found, (including the walking speed turning into cheetah mode after flying) and added a few features.
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Flying Mod beta by PorroOne is awesome. It works pretty damn well, but it's an unfinished beta. I believe I've fixed most of the problems. Enjoy.
Update History:
Version 1.0 Finally fixed all animation problems after landing. Thanks for pointing out bugs everyone. Also fixed the sprint, it should now work as the original with some slight improvements to speed.
Version 0.99b is a massive overhaul of the flight code. Huge improvements on all levels. Improved landings and mostly eliminated the glitchy animations after flight. Also added stamina and magicka toggle to the config menu, and changed magicka and stamina regen to be 60% of normal capacity if those options are toggled during flight. Other minor improvements to script for readability and fixed missing NULL objects from TesEdit. Plenty of other work besides all that. Hope you enjoy, and please report any bugs you find.
Version 0.99 Added Magicka drain and speed improvements to drain. Fixed Cheetah speed and borked animations after landing.
So What exactly did I change and/or Fix?
Bug Fixes....
I fixed all the bugs I found plus a few more found by others.
No more cheetah running speed after flight.
No more glitchy animations after flight.
Sometimes the code for effects was broken, so I revamped the method for implementing effects to be more consistent.
Tes5Edit and Cleaned Null References left over in the original mod.
New Additions:
Tired of dying after dropping out of the sky?
Fixed the landing and ending of flight, allowing a small delay before gravity is restored so you can land gracefully. Going along with this, instead of removing all damage from falling, I chose to implement a reduced damage strategy to give you more leeway if you are too high. This keeps it interesting, but more forgiving.
No more dropping infinite fireballs...
If the option to drain magicka or stamina is enabled, regen is cut back 60%. If you're a mage, this was created so that you can't fireball everyone all day long without the risk of dropping out of the sky during the battle when your magicka runs out. I found this made the entire mod feel more integrated into the game and less of a cheat, and made using it more strategic and fun. Somewhat like a powerful spell any mage might have, but might choose not to use since it can be costly unless you are a very powerful mage.
Stamina/Magicka Drain depends on speed...
My last changes were centered on making flying speed options scale the drain. The faster you fly, the faster the magicka drain. The slower you choose to fly, the slower the drain. There is a sweet spot near the middle which gives good speed and range.
Slighly Increased Flying Speeds...
In general I also increased flying speeds across the board for all options just slightly on the slower end, and quite a bit on the faster end.
More Draconic Dragon Aspect Addon.
Use my addon instead. It should work with his ok, but I've optimized the code a bit more to allow for a cleaner landing, as well as allowing stamina/magicka drain free flight while using the Dragon Aspect. This was done so as to allow you to keep your settings for normal play the same, and when you use the Dragon Aspect you get a full ten minutes of flight without worrying about stamina or magicka as a reward for earning that Awesome shout. After the Dragon Aspect wears off, your stamina/magicka drain settings will return to normal (whatever you set that to be) . Also, if you already have the flying spell, it won't take it away from you after you use the Dragon Aspect, which was a bit annoying...
Everything else remains untouched...
I did nothing else to the original mod, and everything works as intended AFAIK. Use the flying configuration spell as per usual, and everything should be working just like it was.
SPECIAL NOTE ON COLLISION: I'm sorry. No fixes to collisions. I'm not skilled enough to figure that out. Personally I don't have a problem with the way things are...I just avoid running into things to not break immersion, so I'm not really interested in putting effort into fixing this unless I get someone to help me figure it out. Any volunteers? I've looked at other flying mods, and tried them, where this is fixed, but I still prefer this flying mod for a variety of reasons including ability to make it work for a variety of character types, but in any case, I was unable to understand how those mods operated. I saw a .dll being utilized and I don't really understand how to dig into those to figure it out. So, this won't be fixed any time soon.
1. Install Original. It requires the original mod to work. 2.Be Sure to Run the Latest FNIS from Fore, it fixes the t-pose bug YAY! 3. Install this one after and allow any overwrites, and it's ready to go.
Thanks to the original mod author porroone for the great implementation and getting this 99% of the way there! If he ever shows up please feel free to take my code changes or just the fixes and add them into the original.
Further Thanks goes to NeoH4x0r for providing some sample code which helped out the landing sequence considerably.
Also if anyone wants to take my changes and fixes and do something else with them please feel free. I love the community we have here and even though I made this basically for myself, I figured I'd received so much awesome hard work for free that I should contribute back just a little.