About this mod
This mod fixes the bright glowing effect on Chesko's Wearable Lanterns mod. It is based on his 3.0b version.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
What is this mod? It's a lighting fix for Chesko's Wearable Lanterns mod. <-- Click that link to read
all about his mod. Everything you need to know is there.
Check the screenshot images to see what this fix does. It has a before and after. It removes the
bright white glowing effect around the player and lanterns, giving it a more natural lighting. This
is applied to all lantern types. :)
- Wearable Lanterns 3.0b
This mod can be used with other "Wearable Lanterns" upgrades, including:
- Wearable Lanterns SMIM Patch
- Glass fix for Cheskos Wearable Lanterns
- Wearable Lanterns Firefly Torchbug pet file replacer
1. Download and install Chesko's mod Wearable Lanterns. Get version 3.0b.
2. Download this fix, and copy+paste the "Meshes" folder into the Skyrim\Data directory.
3. Enjoy!
Chesko - created the original Wearable Lanterns mod.