About this mod
I just made this mod for a new playthrough last night. It's near Whiterun stables and it's tiny! But you can make coffee in this mod!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Russian
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- Donations
I don't develop old mods any more.
Follow me on social media for WIP pics and stuff-stuff:
Tiny tiny shack near Whiterun. Unique clutter, shiny as fuark.
Not for the more claustrophobic adventurers.
- Skyrim.esm
- Anything that edits cell at coordinates 2,-3 can conflict
- Compatible with Immersive Settlements Whiterun / ETaC Immersive Whiterun
- Patch for RND available, iNeed is adaptable enough to not need separate compatibility patch
- Small garden
- One weapon plaque, one rack
- A functional coffee pot at the cooking spit, use it to make coffee :3
- Smithing workstations (except smelter) outside
- Adequate storage
- Well Rested bonus from bed
- Day & Night cycle
- Navmeshes & TES5edit polished (don't try to bring a huge gang of friends inside, it's SMALL)
You can just walk right in. I made this for my roleplay and it means I already own this house when the game starts, so there's no key stuff.
You can buy water and coffee beans from Belethor in Whiterun if you want to make more coffee :3
:: FAQ ::
Q: ENB and mods in screenies?
A: Grim & Somber Jyggalag ENB. ELE Lite, Relighting Skyrim + Skyrim Mod Combiner
Q: No alchemy or enchanting?
A: 1.1 has a small alchemy lab and an enchanting font added.
Q: Lol the name
A: Naturlig!
Q: It's tiny!
Q: No meat storage?
A: No, my character is vegetarian :D
Q: Add this, that, those and these.
Q: Your FAQs are horrible and give me an STD. Stop.
• Artisanix for paintings & frames
• Jet4571 for building kits resource
• flintone for orient set
• stroti & Tamira for kitchen tools
• mrsiika & Tamira for BS Skyrim High Rock
• InsanitySorrow for wash stuffs
• The_Funktasm for Morrowind Clutter etc.
• Darkfox127 for drapes
• runspect for Resources for modders
• blary for his resources
• Brumbek for allowing me to use SMIM meshes (the alternative coffee mug)
• Oaristys for modder's resource pack