What it does:
Extensible Follower Framework is a great follower mod, however it does not always play nice with other mods. These are patches designed to work around some of the issues. If you know of other mods which need similar patches let me know in the comments and I might take a look.
Here is the list of patches:
Naked Follower Fix for EFF:
Should fix most instances of dismissed followers removing their clothing. Light script overhead: all EFF followers, dismissed or not, will check for nakedness every 10 seconds and try to reequip to their body and feet slots if they have items for them.
The newer versions of Wet and Cold 2.x have handling for conflicts between Wet and Cold and EFF, however it does not correct every instance where W&C can cause a follower to lose clothing. If you're using W&C 2.x+, you should use this patch and not the patch below which is for W&C 1.x.
You should also use this patch if you are running Dual Sheath Redux as there are known incompatibilities there.
Finally there are instances where EFF will strip a followers clothing which are not related to any (discovered anyway, by me) incompatibilities with other mods, like when a follower leaves your party after you commit a crime in front of them. So, you should use this patch if you use EFF in any case.
You can install this mod at any time. Uninstalling any mod always carries some risk, but there is no additional risk by uninstalling at any particular time (i.e. dismissing followers first or not, etc - it is not necessary).
Convenient Horses:
Was made incompatible by the EFF rewrite which, among other things, changed the plugin filename to 'EFFCore.esm'. So, followers will sometimes not ride horses added by CH. It seems to only happen after dismissing and re-recruiting followers actually, which I find a bit odd. Anyway, if you have the newer EFF you'll need this patch. Only change is to check for the new filename and quest record, and initialize CH accordingly.
You should be able to install or uninstall this whenever you want. To be safe, unmount first. To be extra paranoid tinfoil safe, dismiss all your followers first.
Auto Unequip Ammo:
Was made incompatible by the EFF rewrite which, among other things, changed the plugin filename to 'EFFCore.esm'. As a result, sometimes followers will not unequip ammo after unequipping a bow, even if you have the option for it checked in MCM. If you have the newer EFF you'll need this patch. Only change is to check for the new filename and quest record, and initialize AUA accordingly.
As with the CH patch, you should be able to install or uninstall this whenever you want. To be safe, sheath your weapons first, and ensure your followers have as well. To be extra paranoid tinfoil safe, dismiss all your followers first.
Invisibility Eye Glitch:
Sthaagg has put up a collection of patches to EFF and a few other mods for the eye glitch that results from making NPCs and the player invisible. It is available here.
Wet And Cold:
W&C is a common cause of EFF followers spontaneously taking off their clothes and armor. The cause of this is that when an item is added or removed from an NPC via script (or console, for that matter), everything that NPC had equipped is unequipped unless it is part of their outfit. Since in EFF they have a 'naked' outfit, when W&C adds or removes cloaks and hoods to dismissed followers, they will strip off their clothes. This patch is to the W&C scripts, which will now build a list of already-equipped items on NPCs before adding or removing the W&C stuff, then reequip everything after.
Note that this is a common cause, but not the only one. It won't, for example, fix followers stripping if they leave your party after you perform an action they disagree with. That would require a patch to EFF itself,
You should be able to install or uninstall at any time as long as the weather is not changing at that exact instant. To be extra safe, go indoors before installing or uninstalling this.