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About this mod

My favourite thief home reborn, AGAIN. No DLC required. Ratways hideout for the Guild Master of Thieves Guild. Tons of shiny clutter, storage and static treasure for the master thief feel. Your money back satisfaction guarantee!

Permissions and credits
Mod works as intended, so don't expect any updates.
I don't develop old mods any more.

Follow me on social media for WIP pics and stuff-stuff:



Yes, this is my THIRD revamp of this damn house, but I needed a new nice little place for a new playthrough and this one I've always loved the most out of my small homes. So I dived into the CK after a long break and gave it some sweet loving. I'm thrilled with the result, so I don't want to keep it to myself, you guys should get a chance to use it too :3


A small apartment in the Ratways for a renowned guild member.


• Custom-built workstations: Alchemy, enchanting and cooking 
• Tons of safe storage, customised to perfection 
• Trapdoor outside Riften city walls, and another entry way inside the Cistern 
• Secret room (duh, it's a sneaky person's home) 
• Shrine to Nocturnal, crafted with love. ♥♥♥♥♥, we're fabulous 
• Navmeshed so your follower (thief with a follower? You kiddings me?) doesn't get lost when you stop by at the HQ 
• One single, lonely mannequin. Show off your guild pride 
• Quite a few weapon and shield plaques 
• Shiz tons of shiny clutter and treasure for you to drool on 
• Basic smithing workstations (no smelter, and I added woodchopping block to the guild training room)


• Skyrim up-to-date (Update.esm)


Furniture and Clutter - HD Retextures
Detailed rugs
Serious 2HD retexture Riften + Langley's Riften textures 
♥ Jaxonz Positioner
♥ Jaxonz Renamer
♥ All things HD texture 
ELE + Relighting Skyrim


• Lighting is a work of art but it's made of leprechaun dandruff and unicorn tears, so it's sensitive, if you wear a torch or a lantern you may get lighting glitches

:: GENERAL :: 

You have to actually be a Guild Master of Thieves Guild to get in: The door opens with the Tribute Chest Key
- Most items are static, so that my carefully laid out Feng Shui doesn't get sent flying all over the room when you barge in 
at 2 AM after a heavy night of drinking with Sam Guevenne. So don't think you can just go and loot the place and become rich. My clutter is locked in place. 
- I use ELE + RLS + Pure Weathers + Heavy ENB, I don't know what the place looks like with other lighting mods
- Some spaces on shelves are empty. I left some space for decorating with Jaxonz Positioner. The display cases are not functional 

:: CREDITS :: 

♦ Blary for his amazing modder's resources 
♦ Oaristys and Tony67 for the fantastic Modders Resource Pack 
♦ eldiabs for activators 
♦ Paintings by Artisanix 
♦ stroti & Tamira for stroti's modder's resources
♦ jet4571 for Building Kits and other resources (
♦ BrettM for FPI Experiment Pack 1 statics
♦ Darkfox127 for his resources
♦ The_Funktasm for Morrowind clutter resource
♦ InsanitySorrow for his modder's resources (armour stands,  textures, wash stuff clutter)
♦ Jokerine for all kinds of smexy clutter resources
♦ Tamira for her treasure resources

:: THANKS! :: 

iWilliBlecha for pointing out some "design flaws" and helping me with the boring bed nook. LOOK AT THAT GLORIOUSNESS NOW!