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About this mod

A perk that negates the penalties applied to vampire lords whilst the sun is out.

Permissions and credits
I grew tired of having the rather extreme nerf that is applied to vampire lords whilst the sun is out, so I searched the Nexus for a mod that would remove said penalty, but only found mods that removed the penalty if you are wearing a hood, or some sort of wearable item. So I decided to create what is in my opinion a more believable way of removing the penalty applied to vampire lords. This mod adds a perk to the vampire lord perk tree named "Vampire Lord Mastery" it is only acquirable after you have gotten the Night Cloak perk.

Requirements - Of course it requires Dawnguard.

Installation - Simply use NMM, or place the esp into your data folder.

Compatibility - Most likely will conflict with mods that alter the vampire lord perk tree.