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About this mod

Cast out by the Imperial Legion, a man in the Bannered Mare needs your help to find a lost relic of his childhood. The Viktor is a tanky close range combatant, with a proficiency in axes and a mastery of the shield. With over 700 lines of B movie quality dialogue, this foolhardy and overzealous follower will berate the player and other NPC's wh

Permissions and credits

The Viktor Companion Mod is for seasoned Bethesda adventurers. Viktor has a conglomerate personality of the Super Mutants from the Fallout Series, the personalities of both the Imperial Guards and Orismer as featured in Oblivion.The style of voice acting reflects these personalities by being over-the-topdramaticsardonic, and of B-Movie quality. He is foolhardy, arrogant, and as completely oblivious as he is bloodthirsty. 
With a proficiency in axes and a mastery of block, the Viktor is best used for tanking purposes. Given a complex, lore-friendly back-story and over 700 lines of unique dialogue, the Viktor Companion Mod will surely give variety to the in-game world.


  • Over 700 lines of unique dialogue
  • Set to essential by default
  • Extra offset of health and stamina
  • No / Altered dialogue while sneaking
  • Expanded carrying capacity
  • Levels with player
  • Is found idling in the Bannered Mare

  • Limited arrow ammunition
  • Extra offset of health and stamina
  • Proficient in axes
  • High movement speed
  • Master of block
  • Best used as tank
  • Set to "foolhardy" bravery
  • Unique combat style, altered form of "csHumanBoss1H"
  • Currently, I have disabled him using a bow because it was making him ineffective (using a hunting bow instead of his ebony axe against someone 3 feet away). I will add a dialogue option in the next update to ask him to use one or not use one.


  • Egotistic
  • Fearless
  • Many a grand exploit
  • Background tying into the Great War
  • Dialogue towards the player's choices and quest progression

Drag the VictorNPC.esp, VictorNPC.bsa, and the Seq folder into your Data folder, or just use NMM.

Known issues:
Not compatible with other companion mods, I think it also has issues with Live Another Life.

Current Version: 1.10
Credit given to Joel "Nichevo" at and various Youtube tutorials. Also huge thanks to djjohnjarvis for helping me out with fixing the bizarre bugs this mod had.