
Mod articles

  • Beginers tips to skyrim moding

    #1 your going to want a mod manager. I use nexus mod manager and its never done me wrong. installing it is pritty straight forward. Be sure you do tell it to put your mods on a storage drive if your an ssd user like me.

    #2 Clean your master files! there are plenty of guides out there on this Using the program Tes5edit but gopher is my favorite video maker. he keeps it short and sweet and has very nice audio recording. google it for now ill get board at some point and link things.

    #3 Know what your MODing. There are all kings of mods out there. some mod scripts, some texture some mod so much it take nasa and 3 java programs to make it work :) so id like to go over some type with you and explain the impact these mods can have.

    Ok so lets start with ...