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File credits
Great thanks to Cabal120 for allowing me to use his awesome stonewall and window textures.
To Nebula1, You might recognize his interior thatch texture
and to Zerwas1 aka Pfuscher for the parallax base meshes, they where a great help and saved me a lot of work
At last but not least Brumbek of course, his meshes are part of this mod as always ;)
Donation Points system
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Version 1.6
fixed Helgen/village gates and added a missed normal map for the giant tooth on orc entrances
Version 1.5
needs less performance than any other mod in regarding resolution
added some more parallax meshes
changed Orclonghouses to use farmhouses thatching - giant turtle is gone now ;)
revised the Mammothtooth on Orc house - entrance
Version 1.3
needs less performance than any other mod in regarding resolution!
made the orc set an independent option
changed Orclonghouses to use farmhouses thatching - giant turtle is gone now ;)
revised the Mammothtooth on Orc house - entrance
Version 1.2
edited stonwall - some smaller changes on roofs
Version 1.1
compressed some normal maps to smaller size... now they need less performance than any other mod in regarding resolution!
merged 'Non-Plastic Pelt-patch' and 'Less Aliased woven fences patch' with the main versions
Many textures were overlapping with Orclonghouse set, decided to edit that one too... Touring carriages and some farm/orc furniture stuff are revised as well ;) also the fence-meshes are released from awfull AA flickering...
You better don't use DDS-Optimizer or alike, the textures are already saved to their best. This set needs less V-Ram than any other mod in regarding size anyway...
Fully compatible with Better Dynamic Snow and No Snow under the roof.