Ever wanted to be able to summon a Vampire Lord, a giant, or a undeath army well then this is the mod for you. Featuring 200+ balanced and lore friendly conjuration spells. Summon Spells All the way from the undead to merchants and Fallen Heroes. It also adds a conjuration shop located at the western watchtower.
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Version 2.1.1
Version 2.1.1 - Fixed an issue with all vendors not being able to sell the spell tomes.
Version 2.1
Version 2.1 - Return to sender has been changed, it now dispels all active summons without summoning 10 mobs. - Fixed Alathar, the lazy bastards now works 24/7 he's ready to sell you his magic stuff. - Fixed a bug with army spells now working properly due to a missing perk - Fixed a accidental edit in the Winterhold midden area that removed the hand - Probably some other stuff.
Version 2.0
- Mod changed name from Zuk Belend (More Conjuration) to Calling of the Conjurer.
- Reduced Spell cost.
- Reduced master spell cast time from 1s -> 0.5s
- Reduced army spell cast time from 5s -> 3s
- Description and Image cleaning.
- Fixed Keeper Archer Bug
- Fixed Forsworn Warlord Spell Tome not giving the right spell
- Fixed Ash Spawn Immolator Spell name.
Version 1.5
- Reduced Spell cost
- Added Summon Spirit Bear, Summon Spirit Sabre cat, Summon Spirit Mammoth, Summon Exploding Chicken.
- Added a Script that adds the army perk and a script that adds spells to the vendors and loot (chests).
- removed some unneccesary edits
- removed the perk from the conjuration tree
Version 1.4
- Removed Conjure Animal Army Spell tome
- Added Riekling Army
- Removed the level requirement for all spels
- Added army perk to the skill tree
- Some more bugs fixes
Version 1.3
- Fixed some bugged descriptions
- Fixed some bugged spells
- Fixed Spell Durations
Version 1.2
- Changed descriptions of some spells
- The line "Requires xx level" has been removed from the spells description
- Changed levels that are required to summon to 25 50 75 100 instead of having varations like 70 and 80 to get rid of confusion
- Spells duration increased from 10 minutes to 1 hour and Army spells duration increased from 2 minutes to 30 minutes (For some reason it didn't save this so im working on it now
- Updated Description, Images and Spell list on Nexusmods Page
- Added Karliah, Headless Horseman
Version 1.1
- Made the shop look better
- Summons now scale with you (1.2 - 1.75 modifier max level is 250)
- All spell books should now be in the chest behind the stairs
- Updated Description
Version 1.0.1
- Removed the Stone at the entrance of the shop.
Version 1.0
- Added Fire, Frost And Chock Mage.
- Added Bandit Thug , Bandit Highwayman and Bandit Marauder
- Added Forsworn Ravager, Forsworn Warlord and Forsworn Briarheart
- Added Falmer Shadowmaster, Falmer Warmonger And Frozen Falmer
- Added Forsworn, Mage, Bandit And Falmer Army
- Some bug fixes
Version 0.9.4
- Added 5 Trainers: Conjurer (Uses a random Summon spell added by this mod), Guardian, Archer, Alchemist And Alternatist.
- Added Companions: Aela The Huntress, Kodlak Whitemane, Skjor, Vilkas, Farkas And Companion Army.
- Added Wolf, Ice Wolf, Alpha Wolf
- Added Skeleton Archer, Skeleton Guardian, Skeleton Warrior
Version 0.9.3
- Added Alathar's Magic Shop (Located at the western watchtower, COC is MagicShop, Or use the mapmarker)*His bench isn't empty like on the photo.*
- Toys can now be summoned upto 50.
- Removed Spells From riverwood trader.
- Packed Nif Files.
Version 0.9.2
- Added Summons Serana, Merchant, Bow, Crossbow, Battleaxe, Swords, Thalmor Soldier, Thalmor Wizard, 6 Toy Spells.
- Toy Spells Summon Mini NPCs they fight with other toys that are in a different faction. You can summon upto 50.
- Book names fixed
- Book Prices are higher.
Version 0.9.1
Added Description for animal army
- Stormcloaks and Imperials now have random weapons.
- Fixed Army Summons not working correctly with the twin souls perk
Update: 0.9
- Added Undead Army, Hero Army, Miraak, Animal Army.
- Spells Tomes Are now Sold at vendors.
- Added A spell tome with a unknown effect.(low chance of getting it from a chest set it to 1% chance) Wont tell what it does.
Version 0.8.5
- Added Army Spells
- Dawnguard, Dragonpriest, Guard, Imperial, Spider, Pet, Stormcloak, Vampire And Dwarven Army.
- Added Return to Sender Spell (Dismiss all your summons)
- Fixed Mind Control Spider.
- Spells Cost Alot More Magicka
- Some Spells Got A Reduced Level to be Able to use them.
206 new Summoning Spells, including 17 new army spells.
A (optional) conjuration shop located at the Western Watchtower
Description The Calling of the Conjurer focusses on expanding conjurating making it more fun, and exciting. With over 200 new summoning spells, you will never run out of things to summon.
Spells have been added to a levelled list and can be found in dungeon chests and vendors.
This mod also adds Alathar's Conjuration shop located at the western watchtower. Inside you will find Alathar who will sell you a large variety of conjuration items, spells and more. Below the stairs you will also find a cheat chest that has all the spells of this mod in it.
Spell List All spells have a duration of 30 minutes, except for Army spells which only have a duration of 15 minutes. Return to sender: Unsummons all active summons (Found in Alathar's shop)
F.A.Q. Q: How do I obtain the spells? A: They can be bought from the Alathar, other merchants that sell spells or found in dungeon chests.
Q: I keep only finding low level spells? A: All spells are in a levelled list, this means they can only be obtained when you're above a certain level. The levels can be found here.
Q: Are the spells affected by perk overhauls? A: In theory yes, this hasn't been tested.
Q: Is this mod compatible with other mods? A: The only mod that are incompatible are mods that alter the location of Alathars shop.