About this mod
Completely new textures for the wonderful Masser & Secunda moons, in glorious 4K, 2K, and 1K resolutions, designed to retain the look and feel of the original vanilla creations. I love looking closely at things and taking in the detail of the natural Skyrim environment, and adore the night sky, so I gave them the quality update they deserve.
- Permissions and credits
- Donations

Completely new textures for the wonderful Masser & Secunda moons, in glorious 4K, 2K, and 1K resolutions, designed to retain the look and feel of the original vanilla creations. I love looking closely at things and taking in the detail of the natural Skyrim environment, and adore the night sky, so I decided to give them the quality update they deserve.
The Official Hi-Res DLC did not improve these, so vanilla uses 512 textures. Mine are a whopping 8x larger at 4096. Now you can drop your FOV all the way down to 5 (yes, five!) and visually explore the entire surface of both moons! Mine are a bit less "craggy" than vanilla, but they are very faithful.
For those curious, the moons in Skyrim are not 3D objects with a wrapped texture and lighting, but flat static images, so each of the phases for each moon were created separately (14 in all -- which is why I don't think there are many moon retextures!) You may also recognize parts of Mars and Enceladus, which the original textures utilized as well. Thanks to NASA for their insanely high resolution photography as a terrain source!
BE WARNED: The 4K textures are huge, weighing in at 22MB each, but it is insane how far you can zoom in on them! The 2k versions still look just as good in normal gameplay but are only 5MB each.
Stay tuned for the upcoming companion(s) to this mod under the Skygazer series, which will feature 4K stars, constellations, nebulas, and auroras, making it a total Skyrim astronomy texture upgrade.
"SkySight" & "SkyGazer" are my series of vanilla-true HD re-textures. I am a bit obsessive about retaining as accurate to vanilla detail as possible. Stay tuned, many more objects in the works!
Please let me know if you experience any issues, or have any questions!
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- Glowing option
- More saturated color option
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This is a simple texture replacement, so it will only conflict with other moon texture mods. I have not tested how this looks with an ENB running, I would love to see screenshots!
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Version 1.0 Released
My Other Mods
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Skygazer - HD 2k Constellations w/ Nebulae
SkySight Smelter Ultra HD 4K and 2K Textures
SkySight - HD Hi-Res Pillow (seriously :P)