About this mod
Modifies the Dragonmount Player home to have a nice library.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Updating from any previous version
It appears that adjusting shelves will always require removing all books and resetting the space as described below. As such I will only update this mod when absolutely necessary.
Steps to properly reset the cell when updating
1. Remove all books and weapons from the library corner.
2. leave Dragonsmount and hard save and close your game.
3. Remove the previous version of the library addon and reload your game.
4. Return to Dragonsmount and leave again and hard save. This reset the library area.
5. install the new library.
- Adjusted all book positions on shelves to make them not stick out from certain angles.
(note: this is a very minor update and I would say unless the book position really bugs you just skip it for now)
- Rebuilt for compatibility and should be easier to maintain as Dragonsmount is updated.
- Removes any edits that where outside the war room.
- updated to be compatible with Dragonsmount 1.35
- Remove the two bookshelves that were in the war room. What would be the wizards room in dragonsreach. (disabled for clean editing).
- added 8 bookshelves to the war room.
- added a reading table with small shelf container to set books on table.
- tweaked all bookshelf's collision markers to not cause books to float. the shelf collision markers where just a little to big.
- moved the cabinet and candle that was on the south wall to the east wall of war room.
- added a weapon rack above cabinet on east wall. You never know when you need a weapon in your library...
- disable the book on the war room's front desk and added the neat ledger from loading screen. ( I think it makes desk look snazzy)
- tested with unlimited bookshelves. (made the reading table act a little weird but no problems with regular shelves.