About this mod
Do you ever wanted a rest on cloud ? With this mod you can get it !
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Playing a while in Tera and Aion i was inspired by its animation, so i have decided to try to make something similar for Skyrim.
Today i am ready to represent to community my new animation project. It adds to the PC a "Small Ability". When you cast it, your character will begin to move in a way according to animation sequence setup.
For now, I have made only one "emote" - rest. Other animations in plans...
* To see all animations i suggest you to spend about 2 min of watching. (animations are choosing randomly)
! You will need FNIS for this mod to work !
Demonstration video:
How to use it:
1. Use console to add new spell by command "player.addspell xx000D62", where "??" is the mod number in your load order.
2. Choose "[Emote] Rest" from abilities list in magic menu.
3. Cast this ability by using "voice" button (default "X")
4. Use your mouse to moving the camera and take a joy :)
5. To stop animation you need to use the same button. (animation will not stop immediately, have a patience)
1. Unpack mod to the game's "\Data" folder.
2. Run FNIS tool "GenerateFNISforUsers.exe" and press "Update FNIS Behavior" button to add new animation to PC behavior file.
3. Activate plugin "[Emote] Rest.esp" in launcher.
(mod archive is compatible with NMM and WrayBash installers)
Remove folders and files inside:
- "data\meshes\[Anton] mods\Emotes\MagicCloud.nif"
- "data\meshes\actors\character\animations\[Emotes]\*.*"
- "data\meshes\actors\character\behaviors\FNIS_[Emotes]_Behavior.hkx"
- file "[Emote] Rest.esp"
... none, yet ...
Fore for FNIS
Developers of Blender 2.65+
NifTools team for Nifskope
Bethesda for the game and Creation Kit
My tools for newest Blender :)
Don't change anything and don't upload it to another sites without my permission, please.