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This removes the odd horns from the Stalhrim Light Helmet and decreases the length that the horns extend on the Stalhrim Heavy Helmet.

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If it is not noticeable at this moment, I will not be updating this mod anymore. I only set out to remove the horns on the Stalhrim helmets and I did just that.
This is quite a simple mod, all it does is removes the horns from the Stalhrim Light Armour Helmet and decreases the length the Heavy Helmet. Nothing overly fancy like adding new pieces of armour or anything of the sort.

I did not find that there was actually any point to the horns for the light armour as the only use would be if you would go and headbutt a person, which doesn't seem like a great idea for a person with light armour in the first place. If a person swung from above they horns would perfectly guide the sword straight into the wearers head... I'm not fond of getting hit in the head.

I see a purpose for the heavy helmet's horns as it is more intimidating and it could possibly deflect a blow from the side. Other than that the model appears to have a lot more portions to remove than just the horns so I'm not touching the heavy helmet. I have decreased the width of the horns for the Stalhrim Heavy Helmet so they do not extend past the shoulders.

I did make a texture edit since the original texture did not cover the area where the horns were for the Stalhrim Light Helmet. So any retextures that don't cover that portion of the texture will look weird. The Stalhrim Heavy Helmet did not require any retextures so it will be compatible with other retextures.