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About this mod

Veezara, the greatest and last Shadowscale is awesome and should be a follower!!!

Permissions and credits
If you are updating from the last file, please dismiss Veezara as a follower. The new file adds a conversation when you approach him that makes Veezara's existence much more believable.

Find Veezara in the Dawnstar Sanctuary!!! I think he is one of the coolest NPC's in the game and Skyrim severely lacks Argonian followers. Now your boy Veezara is ready for adventure!

He can only be available after moving to the Dawnstar Sanctuary and is located in the Dawnstar Sanctuary bedrooms.

You can also marry this fine lizard!

He is an assassin class and is actually pretty strong. Will properly dual-wield weapons. Will level with you up to level 200. Is set essential.

You are welcome to edit this mod without my permission and do whatever you please. I just wanted to put this up because everyone should have an amazing Argonian follower!!!

Thanks for downloading my mod!