About this mod
Solitude Exterior Addon AKA My Own Solitude Improvements
adds immersive lore friendly improvements outside Solitude.
- Requirements
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Nernies Solitude, Solitude Dock District, Better Docks and Complete Solitude
looked too empty so i made this one.
This mod only improves outside Solitude walls.
If you like it dont forget to endorse and ofc comment thank you!
Compatibility and Requirements
Updated Skyrim to latest is recommended.
Not compatible with anything that modifies the same Area.
Compatible with texture mods.
Compatible with Nernies City and Village Expansion
Compatible with Complete Solitude
Compatible with Solitude Dock District
Compatible with Better Docks
Compatible with TRUE CITY - The Great Expansion of Solitude
Compatible with Open Cities Skyrim
If you have all the solitude mods (The 4 mentioned above) then it should be loaded like this:
Solitude Exterior Addon.esp
Nernies Solitude.esp
Complete Solitude.esp
and Solitude Dock District.esp (above or under all).
Better Docks can be under or above all aswell i think.
My Mods - Skyrim 2011
Immersive Skyrim Boats
Hjaalmarch Redone
Eastmarch Redone
Skyrim Graveyard
Skyrim Bridges
Windhelm Bridge Overhaul
Windhelm Exterior Altered
My Mods - SSE
Windhelm Bridge Overhaul
Solitude Exterior Addon
Windhelm Exterior Altered
DARKF0X127 for AWSOME Tutorials!
Bethesda for The Elder Scrolls series
Thanks kcaz25 for help with the update.
Do not upload anywhere else without my permission!