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Created by

Mad Wolf

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About this mod

This simply adds a craftable \"Viking Helmet\" that resembles the Helm of Yngol. The Helm of Yngol is also worth more (It is a treasure item after all).

Permissions and credits
This plugin creates a craftable "Viking Helmet" that can be made at any forge. It uses the 3d model of the Helm of Yngol which I really liked and felt like something straight outta Viking lore, but I didn't like how weak the armor is or how there's only 1 helmet like that throughout the game (There may be more but none that I had seen) so I wanted to make the style of helmet a little more common is all.

Here's what you need to make it...
-Steel Smithing perk
-3 Steel Ingots
-2 Iron Ingots
-4 Leather strips