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About this mod

Totally new way of Hand to Hand fighting.

Permissions and credits
Way of the Thousand Fists

Installation Instruction is fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This mod adds new multi-punch animations and scripts that hits targets MULTIPLE times.
And adds Combo System which provides more excitement to players
and makes their character powerful martial artist. Currently, there are 2 versions.
One is the Easy Version which does not require your character's stamina to
use the WoTF spells.
Another one is the Hard Version which DOES require stamina for each combo.(will explain next).

******Note: If you experience slow response when using the Hard Version, you can use the Easy Version which provides faster response.

Combo System
The key button for the WoTF spell is "G".
Currently there are 3 combos.
How to cast the combos:
=First combo=
1) Any direction or no direction + Push "G" [Way of the Thousand Fists]
2) Right after step #1, push and hold "W"(Up) + Push "G" [Fist of the Thu'um]
=Second combo=
1) Any direction or no direction + Push "G" [Way of the Thousand Fists]
2) Right after step #1, push and hold "A"(Left) + Push "G" [Blizzard Concentration]
3) Right after step #2, push and hold "W"(Up) + Push "G" [Fist of the Thu'um]
=Third Combo=
1) Any direction or no direction + Push "G" [Way of the Thousand Fists]
2) Right after step #1, push and hold "D"(Right) + Push "G" [Glacial Shots]
3) Right after step #2, push and hold "W"(Up) + Push "G" [Fist of the Thu'um]

*Note* Fist of Tae is the Finishing Move.

Thank you all modders !!!!
This mod CANNOT BE DONE without these GODLY mods here.

XP32 Maximum Skeleton - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26800
FNIS - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11811

*Before you Start installing, install all of the requirements.
1) Move everything in the zip file to your Skyrim directory.
2) Run the GenerateFNISforModders.exe that you downloaded from http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11811
as the Administrator and click on Generate Mod Behavior.
3) Run the GenerateFNISforUser.exe Make sure you run it as administrator. Then Click on UpdateFNISBehavior.
4) Check-Mark the WoTF.esp using NMM or Launcher and play!

Since I used Xp32 skeleton, my animation can be used with TBBP.
But it's not perfect so I'm looking for an animation modder for the TBBP effect.(Will provide my 3dsmax file for the modder)

Improvements to do
1) TBBP effect - I'm looking for an animation modder for the TBBP effect.(Will provide my 3dsmax file for the modder)
2) Some people could have slow response when playing with Hard Version. So it needs more efficient script for the Hard Version.
*** I need some help Give me a message please ***

For now, any mod that replaces "G" key button and any of my files.


Again, thank you for your help and letting me use your mods and tools.

[Xp32] for XP32 Maximum Skeleton - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26800
[Xp32] for New Animation for Magic Casting - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28428 - used only 2 casting animations for Blizzard Concentration and Glacial Shots
[fore] for FNIS - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11811
Animation Tutorial for 3dsMax - Link not working.
Turtoial by xp32 and aeon.pdf
BSA Browser
[theru] for convert-xml-hkx-kf - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17109

And the Skyrim modding community for help with scripts and animation.