About this mod
Have you ever wondered what achievements are actually good for? If the answer is yes, then this mod is for you! Achieve That! adds over 100 unique achievements to your game, most of them bestowing a permanent beneficial effect on the player-character once they have been unlocked.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Turkish
- Spanish
- Russian
- Portuguese
- Polish
- Italian
- German
- English
- Changelogs
- Donations

adds over 100 unique achievements to your game.

So what's new in version 2?
- the achievement lists less cluttered now, the higher-ranking achievements show up once the lower-ranking achievements have been unlocked (for General & Character tabs);
- the fixed rewards have been completely removed, now it's up to you to choose your reward;
- some doubtful/not working achievements have been removed or replaced with new ones
- mutually exclusive or level-dependant achievements now have appropriate color scheme according to their status (white - in progress, green - unlocked, red - failed);
You can comfortably view all available achievements in the MCM menu.
Once you have reached an achievement, it is marked in the MCM menu automatically.

The mod can also show a small message on the top left corner of your screen, or even give a notification in the middle of the screen as if you had completed a quest, every time you reach a new achievement (the latter, quest-like notification is turned on by default).
Updating from v1.x.x to v2.x.x.
Before updating from v1.x.x to v2.x.x, do the following:
- Open the console and enter the following:
stopquest at_updatequest
stopquest at_mainqst
stopquest at_mainqst12
stopquest at_qst113
- save your game, uninstall v1.x.x
- run game, save your game again
- install v2.x.x.
Updating from v2.x.x to v2.2.x.
Before updating from v2.x.x to v2.2.x, do the following:
- Press "Uninstall" under the Settings tab and confirm when asked
- Quit the escape menu and wait for several seconds (5 sec at least)
- Save your game, quit Skyrim, uninstall Achieve That
- Launch the game, load your previous save and save again
- Install v2.2.x
Updating from v2.2.0 to v2.2.x.
- No specific requirements.
Non-English users
- rename "achievethat_english.txt" (located in Data/Interface/Translations) to "achievethat_yourlanguage.txt" (for example, achievethat_german.txt).
| Russian version | Spanish version | German version | French version |
- This mod should be compatible with everything. If you are in doubt about the compatibility of any mod with "Achieve That", then read the sentence above as: "This mod is compatible with <name of the mod you were going to ask about>".
- This mod should work with high level characters (they get all achievements they have already unlocked at once ). However, it is recommended to use it with low level characters, because a few of the achievements will be flagged as 'failed' with high level characters.
- Bethesda - for creating Skyrim and delivering the necessary tools for modding
- SKSE team and SkyUI team - for their continued efforts to improve the game
- Bachmors - for the description of the mod, proofreading, help with fine-tuning of the rewards and some ideas