I never really liked the Archmage Outfit, but the Psijic Outfit is kind of awesome.
So i made the Psijic Archmage Outfit.
All parts are craftable at any forge in the misc section.
I had no save game before i finished it, so i could not test this part, but i intended to make it not craftable until the quest Eye of Magnus is finished.
So the Psijic Archmage Outfit is a gift from the Psijic Order because you saved the world. (Again...)
The enchantments are similar to the Archmage Outfit but they are a little bit stronger, but not overpowered (in my eyes), since the Psijics are like the UBER magic guild somehow.
Unfortunately the orc and khajiit hoods have clipping issues. Don´t know how to fix this yet.
Maybe someone can test, if it really is NOT craftable before the Eye of Magnus quest is finished.
Have Fun!
I checked the mod with TES5Edit, so no problems should occur
- Thanks to BabattKhan for verifying that the outfit is really not craftable before the Eye of Magnus quest!
- Clipping from Khajit and Orc races solved, just minor horn clipping from argonians left. If someone knows a solution say it^^
- Now Imperial vampires are able to wear the gauntles and boots too
Just unzip and copy the data folder into the Skyrim folder
And overwrite if it is asked.
- Translations, if nothing else than the language is changed
- Retextures (will change normal Psijic Robes aswell)
- Custom body mods like CBBE and UNP (would also change normal Psijic Robes)
- Skyrim Nexus exclusive
Bethesda for making Skyrim