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About this mod

This mod changes camera position to resemble one from Mass Effect 3.

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[size=10] CAMERA POSITION [/size]
For all the fans and more!

This simple tweak changes camera position to resemble that used in Bioware's Mass Effect.
For now it is most suitable with ranged weapons like bows and crossbows.
Latest version supports melee weapons like 1h swords and daggers.


Installation instructions are inside.

Highly Recommended:

1. Faster arrows by FordPerfect (if you want an arrow to reach its target like real one).
2. Proper Aiming by Arindel (if you want an arrow to fly where you point it to).

Now version 1.1 is out! Some issues has been fixed! I hope you will like them.

Special note:
I appreciate everyone who tried this, commented or liked it.