About this mod

Adds 175 new weapons from TERA Online to Skyrim.

Permissions and credits
  • Turkish

This is non-lore friendly mod.If you don't like it feel free to leave. And i don't really need your opinion how you don't like it because of that...


All weapons in this mod was from TERA Online and was converted from extracted TERA models. All of them are balanced to match Skyrim vanila weapons, fully craftable and upgradable.
If you like the mod don't forget to endorse it.
Patch 1.8 required.


This mod contains 175 (for now) weapons and shields:
  • 25 One handed swords
  • 25 Two handed swords
  • 25 Two handed axes
  • 25 Staves (with custom enchant)
  • 25 Lances
  • 25 Shields
  • 25 Bows

More weapons will come in future updates. Still to do: circles, rods, event weapons.
All weapons have names based of TERA one and are craftable under:
  • Orcish - Expedition, Krysteel, Arcadian, Linsteel, Ostgarath
  • Dwarven - Norstelm Westonia, Shadsteel, Vaunting
  • Elven - Elenium, Palrada, Bombard, Webrend
  • Glass - Reprisal, Umbra, Sunder, Cauterus
  • Ebony - Restless, Legate, Xersteel, Conqueror
  • Daedric - Phonic, Unraveler, Graceshed, Acuity

They all can be found also in barrel inside Dragonsearch (Whiterun) near entrance.


  • Added 25 bows
  • Fixed shield glitch
  • Some minor fixes

1.0 Beta
  • Initial release.
  • Added optional .esp without craftable option.

Recomended Mods:

TERA Armors Collection for Skyrim - UNP - Combination of both TERA Weapons and Armors is recommended to get complete look and experience of mod. Lot of weapons have their armor quivalent and similar design.


Do not distribute this mod anywhere without my permission. If you want to host it somewhere else than nexus, contact me first.

The assets from TERA Online are used with the express permission of the En Masse Entertainment Public Relations Department.
All models in this pack are copyrighted, and belong to their original authors and copyright holders. This mod is not a commercial modification and no profits will be gained by releasing any parts of it for any material benefits.
The original Tera armor concepts, mesh and textures are owned and copyrighted by En Masse Entertainment and used with permission. All rights reserved.
Due to the requests of the Nexus moderators, any of tera mods is not open source. To release your own TERA mod, you must get permission directly from ENMasse.


Bethesda- for Skyrim
En Masse Entertainment- for TERA Online
asianboy345 - for inspiration to do this mod
"L" Community - for their support and help with my other mods.


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