About this mod
Adds map markers to all player homes
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Turkish
Deutsche Übersetzung von norden:
Japanese localizaton patch by aohige:
Player Home Map Markers v0.5 (by Volek)
Adds map markers to the following locations:
* Whiterun, Breezehome (front door)
* Windhelm, Hjerim (front door)
* Markarth, Vlindrel Hall (front door)
* College Of Winterhold, Arch-Mage's Quarters (roof)
* Solitude, Proudspire Manor (front door)
* Riften, Honeyside (front door and balcony on the outside)
Extract the contents of the zip file to your Steam/SteamApps/common/Skyrim/ folder, overwrite files if asked.
If you want colored home markers, check out dw420's mod here:
Version History:
0.5 - changed Archmage Quarters icon, added Honeyside Balcony marker
0.4 - changed marker icons of most homes (thanks to dw420!)
0.3 - added marker to Honeyside front door (thanks to shittakaburi!)
0.2 - added marker to Proudspire Manor front door.
0.1 - initial release