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About this mod

An entirely Companion based Mod compilation

Permissions and credits

Great question! SEC or Skyrim Essential Companions, is a constant WIP compilation of all of the best and most immersive companion mods available on either Steam and the Nexus. Some time ago we noticed that while there are truly fantastic compilations out there already, there were none to be found that dealt specifically with companions, which is a field of Skyrim we believe important enough to rate its own space. Seeing this as a problem we at the SEC team immediately set out to rectify it and attacked the lists of companion mods as if they were..well something which should be attacked. It is with great pride that we now present to you our first list of carefully selected "game play essential" companion mods. Finally as was mentioned above this is a WIP so if anyone knows of any notable companion mods which we have missed than please do not hesitate to leave a comment or message our board master directly.

A big thanks to not only the modders on this list but to all modders everywhere, your work is always appreciated!

Cerwiden-SMART Healer
-A fully voiced, fully AI configurable companion designed to fit any play style! Cerwiden features the revolutionary SMARTcast system and offers a fully voiced quest as well as several custom items

Companion Lanaya
-An impressive yet atm somewhat vanilla standalone companion, Lanaya delivers the high quality appearance of many other companions but without any required enhancement mods

Odvar the Afflicted
-A great, custom voiced, and immersive companion with the special ability to hurl deadly vomit at his foes!

Vilja in Skyrim
-Possibly one of the best available companion mods, so many awe inspiring features i wont even try to list them all

-Custom Eyes, Armor, Skin, war-paint, and a weapon. An ultra-customized follower with a custom voice in the making

Companion Valfar
-The custom voiced Stormcloak to top all others with custom armor and even a custom beard!

Atvir Dres-The Last Prince of Tear
-A foul mouthed, bitter, and FULLY voiced "lifelike" companion a definite must endorse

Herman the Mad
-The only reliable choice in fully voiced Draugr spellsword companions

Gabby the Cute Pastry Companion
-A Custom Voiced, reasonably cute Dark Elf who not only cooks but does a dance on request!