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File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

Casualmods MotionMakerDiva

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About this mod

The Gangnam Style Dance animation for Skyrim

Permissions and credits
The Gangnam Style Dance Animation for Skyrim
Video showing the animation

1) Download and install FNIS
2a) Download and install with manager AFTER installing FNIS then go to step 3. Or continue to step 2b.
2b) Go into your Data folder then go to meshes > actors > animations > FNISSpells and drag
the three files in and overwrite
3) Go in-game and use the FNIS Spells to activate the dance:
C1 = First dancer
C2 = Second dancer
C3 = Back-up dancer

There's no real synchronization! For that you'll need to download a different package from Casualmods.net. Unfortunately, the author doesn't want his mod released anywhere else so you'll have to head over there and follow the instructions.

Full credits go to:
Original Animation - MotionMakerDiva and video
Converted to hkx by RSV / Casualmods.net
For a bunch of other great dance animations check the above site!
Uploaded hkx's to Nexus for ease of use, with full credit given by request of the authors.

MotionMakerDiva was messaged with a request to reuse their work and they agreed under the condition that their youtube channel and video was linked, which is above.
Readme for the conversion release states hkx files can be re-uploaded as long as a link back to casualmods.net is given, which is also above.