File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

Dark Daemon

Uploaded by

Dark Daemon

Virus scan

Safe to use

About this mod

DAWNGUARD REQUIRED FOR NOW: A fix for zzjay\'s Epic Elves to allow them to fully be vampires.

Permissions and credits

This is a fix for zzjay's Epic Elves Race Mod which gives them full Vampiric capabilities such as feeding etc.
This mod also comes with updated Dawnguard facial textures.

The mod hasn't been tested properly for most of Dawnguards content, so bugs are expected, please post any bugs you find.

[size=10]Dawnguard Works![/size]

The mod currently may exhibit some seaming issues with UNP body which will be fixed at a later date.
If your vampirism does not progress feed on someone to 'kickstart' it.

This mod requires Epic Elves by zzjay and Dawnguard.

A version is in the works to remove the Dawnguard requirement.

1. Click 'Download with Manager'
2. Double click the mod in the NMM mod list
3. Follow the installer

1. Download the mod
2. Copy the .ESP and textures folder to your skyrim data folder (not the fomod folder)
3. When prompted overwrite everything.

Just double click the mod in the NMM list and then reinstall the Epic Elves mod if you wish to continue using it.

1. Delete 'EpicElves by zzjay.esp' and 'EpicElfRace_zzjay' folder from both textures and meshes folder in the skyrim data folder
2. If you wish to continue using Epic Elves make sure to reinstall it.

All credits for this race must go to zzjay and the appropriate co creators for making it.
The female face texture was created by MissShazira.
The rest of this mod was created by me.