About this mod
Portable house in a bag.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Turkish
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- English
Haven bags are magical bags. They are of normal size on the outside but inside can variate to infinite. It is even possible to live in.
When you enter the game for the first time with the mod installed, you will recieve the Haven Bag directly in your Armor inventory.
To enter the bag, you will have to equip it. Unequip to go back outside.
For some reason, my follower wouldn't follow me in. Since it is pretty small, it's maybe for the best.
Inside the bag you will find:
1 bed
About 20 containers
1 tanning rack
1 sharpening wheel
1 alchemy table
1 enchanting table
1 Anvil
1 workbench
1 cooking pot
1 mini smelter
Scrolls of Transmutation
Genuine Falmerblood Elixir
-You might need 7zip to open archive. You can download it here http://www.7-zip.org/
-None known right now.
-I think it should be placed high in your load order.
Open the Archive and copy its content to Skyrim\data\
Activate HavenBag.esp with your favourite mod manager.
Alternatively, use NMM
Delete the folders:
and files:
Update 1.5.4
Removed the item slot from the equipment bag so that it wont conflict with other mods.
-Added an Optional file made by Feuxhell that adds 2 bookshelves and a Staff Enchanter table. That file Requires Dragonborn.
Update 1.5.3
-I changed the Music file to a Creative Common licensed file that allow free redistribution. Previous one allowed me to share it but not others which made it complicated for anyone wanting to edit this mod or reupload it somewhere else.
Update 1.5.2
-I cleaned the ESP with TES5EDIT to remove some dirty edit
-the Bag now equip on Equipment Slot 60 instead of 48 for Compatibility with Bandolier.
Update 1.5.1
Added Keywords to HavenBag Location to have the Well Rested Status on the bed.
Update 1.5
-Made the bag item use slot #48 instead of ring(36)
-Integrated the music version with this one to avoid uploading too many files and cause confusion. Or get confused myself. Refer to HavenBag_MusREADME.txt for info.
Update 1.4
-Removed 1 light which seem to have fixed the FPS issue next to Cooking pot.
-Fixed Folder Structure
Update 1.3
-The bag wont teleport you anymore if you are in combat
-Edit by usoppusama:
--Added Workbench
--Added Mini smelter
--Added cooking pot
Update 1.2
-Bag item is not usable while riding horse anymore.
-Alchemy Satchel is set to not respawn
-I added an anvil
Update 1.1
-make the bag item impossible to disenchant.
Textures from HD sack texture made by Mazarin - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2836
Model from Painting resource for mods made by Jet4571 - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18549
Everything else is Vanilla or created by myself using Blender, Photoshop and Creation Kit.
Special thanks to usoppusama for editing the bag and adding mini smelter and cookpot
Special thanks to Feuxhell for making an optional version with Bookshelves and Staff Enchanter.
Music playing by default in the bag:
"Windswept" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
You don't need my permission to translate this mod in your language but please, keep credit with their links and file integrity if you do.