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Vault Boy

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About this mod

When Sinderion entered into Blackreach, he didn't go alone. Years later, the Dragonborn can find the Dwarven Luggage still waiting within the depths of Blackreach by its former master.

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When Sinderion entered into Blackreach, he didn't go alone. Years later, the Dragonborn can find the Dwarven Luggage still waiting within the depths of Blackreach by its former master.

During Sinderion's quest to find more nirnroots he happened by a strange dwemer device looking much like a spider with a chest on its top. He found it to be operational and took it along with him to help carry his ingredients and other essentials. When Sinderion met his untimely death in Blackreach, the faithful Dwarven Luggage stayed at his side.

DWARVEN LUGGAGE adds a dwarven spider chest that follows you around and helps hold a near limitless amount of weight within its inter-dimensional space. It doesn't count as a follower, so feel free to keep Lydia or whomever else you feel like having around. The Dwarven Luggage can be found with Sinderion's remains which are in his field laboratory in Blackreach, underneath Alftand. You can tell the Dwarven Luggage to wait for you or follow you around and ignore enemies assist in battles. The Dwarven Luggage has a summon spell which allows you to call it to you along with all the gear you stashed on it, never lose your important gear again!


  • Added an optional dwarven chest top, something a bit more lore friendly, for those who wish to keep a dwarven chest for their luggage. Please choose only one luggage.
  •  If you are tired of having it follow you around, you can now set a home for the Dwarven Luggage to go back to and it will comply leaving you to do all that fun Dragonborn stuff in peace.
  •  You can access its inventory space with a spell from anywhere. Two spell books can be found inside the chest that would add summoning and access luggage spells in Conjuration magic tab.

  • Dawnguard & Dragonborn DLCs

Any ideas, suggestions, feedback is always appreciated.




The luggage will now follow passively after being summoned.
The luggage will now move out of the way when you walk up to it.
Fixed a bug where the luggage would teleport to the player when it was set to wait.

Added an effect when you summon the luggage.
The luggage is now able to keep up with you when following by appearing near the player when their distance becomes too great.

Added True Dwarven Chest model option.
Fixed missing script.

Compiled with Dawnguard and Dragonborn to fix items disappearing.
You can now set a home for the Dwarven Luggage.
There is a new spell, Access Luggage, which lets you open the luggage's inventory from anywhere.
Made the Luggage smaller so that it wont get in the way so much.
Cleaned Scripts.

Now has a new texture with dwarven metal along the chest.
Fixed a bug where the chest would not respond to commands if you hit it on accident.
Fixed a bug where the chest would continue to head back to Blackreach indefinently. It now has a 50 second timer after you tell it to go back, so wait a minute before you summon it back to you.

Fixed some dialogue and added * * around the Dwarven Luggage's actions.
Added passive follow, aggressive follow and dismiss comands.
Increased weight capacity to a really really high number.