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About this mod

This mod adds a modified version of Triss Merigold's outfit from the game "The Witcher 2" into the world of Skyrim.

Permissions and credits

# Update 2.1.1#

Everyone please give a big thanks to ralfetas for creating the Bodyslide files for this mod complete with TBBP capability. His files can be found in the optional section. You will of course still need to install the main mod before you can replace the original meshes with any you create using Bodyslide. Please refer to Caliente's instructions on how to add files to and use Bodyslide. And thanks again to ralfetas for such amazing work!

Also I have added an optional main file for the Hat with Hair.

*Beware there could be clipping depending on hair styles.*

# UPDATE 2.1#

Ok, all of the optional Body types have since been added to the Mod page as optional downloads for those that would rather an alternative to the default UNPB with BBP body.
Added: UNPB without BBP
UNP with BBP
UNP Without BBP
CBBE Without BBP

Changes: Fixed some errors in the plugin that were preventing people from Crafting or tempering
certain pieces (Thanks again to Wulfgar64 for catching it).

Made the crafting and tempering requirements more consistent so that the armor
pieces each have similar crafting requirements.

To Do:Add Skirt for all body Types as a replacer for shorts
Create an optional Top replacer that includes all body pieces as a singular piece

Possible future update: Further streamline crafting to allow armor options to appear as craftable
only if unique crafting items are present in inventory. I would also add pages to the
book to explain this feature and would there list the unique materials.

# UPDATE 2.0#

After a long time of remaining dormant I have finally been inspired to revamp this mod. Below are a list
of new changes and important things to know.

Default Body is UNPB w/ BBP (I will add optional downloads for UNPB w/o BBP, UNP w/ & w/o BBP, and finally CBBE in the weeks to come)
Default texture is original colors of the Triss Armor
Hat comes in Black and Brown for both Male and Female and now fits all races (at least under the conditions I tested)
Armor set is broken down into 8 separate pieces that can be mixed and matched with other armor sets
Only 4 main pieces have defense (so as not to make the set to OP) but all pieces should be enchantable

****Guide books are created and must be in Inventory to craft armors****
They are located at the Riverwood Trader and Radiant Rainments in Solitude (both are set neatly on the respective store counters)

In order to unlock additional textures you must download and install Triss Armor Retextured by psyke23 and oldholo found here:
*otherwise you will have blue skins with no texture should you try to craft the additional models using the guidebook in Solitude

This mod does not write over the old one however it does not update the meshes from the old mod either. Feel free to do so manually should
you wish to provided you know how. I will not be creating instructions on this process as it is already covered thoroughly throughout the

Finally some recommended Mods to help with using this one:
I've already mentioned the Textures by psyke23 and oldholo
you might also want to check out Apachii's Helmet Wigs (helps with hair issues on the Hat)
and brokefoot's West Wind Combat Series (very easy to mash with)

That should cover all the new and relevant things, please feel free to leave comments or message me about any issues and stay posted for the
optional meshes mentioned above.


Thanks to Skyrim Mods Weekly for featuring this mod in Week 30

You can also see a short video Description here courtesy of SaioTV episode 54

#UPDATE 1.3#

Created new Plugin from scratch:
o Removed Poison Cloak as Shadow Set Enchantment due to unsolvable glitch (Will
still trigger until you start from a save before mod was added or start new game)

o Both UNP and CBBE versions of armor included in same file to accommodate race
mods that utilize both body styles

o Added New Skirt modeled after Hentai's skirt for Jamella Armor

o Hat should be wearable by both males and females

*A note of warning, you will probably need to reacquire the gear either by console, crafting or looting the assassin upon updating to 1.3.1.

#UPDATE 1.2 #

Added optional UNP Meshes for Download

Added Fix Body slide Meshes in Main File for CBBE

#UPDATE 1.1 #

Fixed issues of non appearing armor by ensuring all races were seleceted in ESP for each piece

ADDED Hat for both Shredded and Shadow Sets (Note Acquisition is same as the rest of the set)

Removed some leftover Vertices and corrected some artifacting

Tried to add Temprorary Weight Slider support, Only weights 1 and 100 work, all others will still artifact - to be corrected at a later date

# TO DO #

Upload additional body meshes


Guide Books are found in Riverwood Trader and Radient Rainments in Solitude and must be in inventory in order to craft armors.


Just drop the Data folder into Steam/steamapps/common/skyrim and viola.


Hair sticks through hat (see above recommend mods)
Additional color armors have no Textures and every thing is blue (see above comment about required mods)
Mod crashes game (see comment below about BBP and use with skyrim or use alternate body meshes)


If using BBP body meshes be sure that you follow guidlines necassary for using BBP found here:


- Caliente for his bodymesh and Bodyslide software

- Psyke23 and Oldholo for their recolored armor textures (And the format for this Readme ;-)

- Fraper for the port to Skyrim and his permission to reuse his work.

- Anano for the panty mesh and textures

- dimon99 for the UNP body meshes used for the UNP version

- Skirt modeled after Hentai's Jamella Armor w/ Skirt

- WitchHat is modeled after DigitalLion's Gandalf Hat

- CD Projekt for the original Triss armor meshes and textures

Additional thanks to myrmaad for helping me do this mod up right
and to Halofarm for his amazing Pinup Poser mod in the screenshots


The original Triss armor concept, mesh and textures are owned and copyrighted by CD Projekt and used here with permission.
The Witcher is a trademark of CD Projekt. All rights reserved.
I, The creator of this mod, am in no way associated with CD Projekt or CD Projekt RED.

You may not publicly distribute this mod anywhere else without permission.
You may not publicly distribute derivates of this mod without permission.
You may alter and/or extract portions of this mod for your personal usage to your liking.
You must always give credits to CD Projekt RED, me and everyone in the credits list above.
Do not take credit for things that you haven't done.
Do not send this mod to anyone else without this readme file.

If you happen to see this mod on any other site than on, please inform me.

Thank you!