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About this mod

Sheathing for offhand wep and shields on back

Permissions and credits
You should make separate savegame before using this mod.

IF UPDATING TO 1.0 FROM PREVIOUS VERSION YOU NEED TO DOT THE REMOVESPELL/ADDSPELL THING (down here in the description, second paragraph of troubleshooting)

Tutorial videos on how to make it work with custom race and custom weapon is in the video section

This mod makes weapon in off hand sheathable and shield placed on back when not drawn.

Dual Sheath works only for all vanilla Swords, Axes, Daggers and Maces.
Staves from left and right hand now placed on back when sheathed, instead of disappearing vanilla behavior.
Shields on Back works for all vanilla shields.

If you want to use it with custom skeleton mods you need Custom Skeleton Replacers by Skulltyrant

To make this mod work with CHSBHC - BBP you need DSpSoB and CHSBHC - BBP Compatibility by Everlive

If you using Realistic Ragdolls and Force you need Custom Skeleton Files by Neovalen

Q. Oh no my shield is on the ground / my weapon is on the ground.
A. DSpSoB is not compatible with custom skeleton mods. To fix this you can delete following files:
\Data\Meshes\actors\Character\character assets\skeleton.nif
\Data\Meshes\actors\Character\character assets\skeletonbeast.nif
\Data\Meshes\actors\Character\character assets female\skeleton_female.nif
\Data\Meshes\actors\Character\character assets female\skeletonbeast_female.nif
Also place DSpSoB last in load order.

Q. Mod is not working at all! / New features dont work after update.
A.To fix this open console and type "help dspsob" This will show in console thouse lines:
Where X is spell ID. Now when you know spell ID type in the console "player.removespell XXXXXXXX" and then "player.addspell XXXXXXXX"

DSpSoB is not compatible with mods that modifies races or skeleton. It can be customized to work with other mods tho.

My mod got into showcase!

If you want NPC to have blades sword sheathed you need Blades Sword Sheath fix for NPCs. If you dont like dual wielding sprint and combat animation you can use 3rd Person Dual Wield Animation Fix.
If you found any bugs (xept ones i know of) please post it in comments.

Awesome mods.
Armed to the Teeth
Greatsword sheaths and scabbards
Cloaks of Skyrim