About this mod
This mod allows you to recruit your followers as Initiates and to get money for it.
- Permissions and credits

Project: Sons of Sithis - Dark Brotherhood Recruitment
Author: Sagittarius22
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 18/05/2012
Category: Gameplay, Guilds, Followers.
Skyrim Nexus - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/
This mod allows you to recruit your followers as Initiates and to get money for it.
Ever wanted to make money with the Dark Brotherhood once you became a Listener? Always thought that your Brotherhood needed more than two poor Initiates?
This mod allows you to recruit your followers as Initiates. Just ask Nazir about it, then tell your follower that he/she becomes an Initiate. Once he/she's recruited, he/she won't be able to be your follower anymore, so be careful. You can recruit one follower every 5 hours for a maximum of 6 new Initiates.
Every day, you'll be able to ask Nazir for your daily payment; the more members you have, the more gold you'll get.
There are voice files for Nazir, but they are in French. I'll try to make a complete english version; for now, this is in English woth French subtitles.
Put the files in your Data folder and check the ESP with your Mod Manager.
Delete the files associated with the mod (BSA, ESP).
This mod should be compatible with anything.
Known Issues:
Sometimes (rarely) your follower won't be recruited. Just wait a few hours and try again until it works...
18/05/2012 - Initial Release
Thanks to Bethesda for creating Skyrim.
Thanks to InsanitySorrow for the ReadMe Generator this ReadMe is based on.
Tools Used:
ReadMe Generator
Creation Kit