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About this mod

This adds new lore-friendly and historically accurate swords to the forge.

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Now available for Skyrim Special Edition

This mod adds 1 and 2 hand swords based on the various Oakeshott Types
WTF is Oakeshott!?
Don't worry about it . . . let's go kill dragons! :P
But seriously, Ewart Oakeshott was a British artist and historian who literally wrote the book on medieval arms and armor. The articles linked above are excellent sources of info on Oakeshott and his sword classification system.

These swords work just fine in Enderal, but only the Soldier and Cavalry can be made in the forge initially. I haven't progressed enough in Enderal to see if the others become unlocked depending on progression since the crafting system is changed.
If you want them the easy way you'll need to add them with the console.
Type "help [swordname]" without the quotes or brackets for the sword you want then player.additem XXXXXXXX replacing the 'x' with the code that appears in the console followed by a space and the number of items you wish.
For instance:
help regent
player.additem XXXXXXXX 1
In Enderal these will be good for higher levels. Damage ranges from 12 - mid 20s depending on the sword.

Current Swords:

Armsman's Sword - 1 hander (XVa) [Requires Steel Smithing Perk]
Captain's Sword - 1 hander (XVa) [Requires Steel Smithing Perk]
Cavalry Broadsword - 1 hander (XIIIb) [No perk requirement]
Duke's Longsword - 2 hander (XX) [Requires Advanced Armors Perk]
Duke's Sword - 1 hander (XX) [Requires Advanced Armors Perk]
Guardian's Longsword - 2 hander (XVIIIc) [Requires Steel Smithing Perk]
Guardian's Sword - 1 hander (XVIIIc) [Requires Steel Smithing Perk]
Justice - 2 hander (less of a historically based weapon, and more of a hells yeah kill stuff weapon) Justice is unique and cannot be crafted. CLUE: It is located on the Executioner's table.
Regent's Sword - 1 hander (XXa) [Requires Advanced Armors Perk]
Regent's Longsword - 2 hander (XXa) [Requires Advanced Armors Perk]
Soldier's Broadsword - 1 hander (XIIIb) [No perk requirement]
Warden's Sword - 1 hander (XVIIIb) [Requires Advanced Armors Perk]

Sword components are in Misc category.
Create a Blade, Crossguard, Grip, Pommel, and Scabbard for each sword, then you can create the swords in the Steel category.

To Do List:
1. My own custom scabbard. -- DONE
2. More historically accurate, and lore friendly weapons. Suggestions welcome!
3. Leveled lists. I have no idea how to do this. Advice welcome! - WIP
I've added the swords to a few leveled lists, but I don't know how well they'll be distributed . . .
4. Maybe I'll eventually create a custom vendor. Advice also welcome!

Now DSR Compatible! - Get the patch here. Thanks, Sloth!

SkyRe - use the ReProccer!
Simply run the ReProccer and make sure the ReProccer ESP is active.

Skyrim Scaling Stopper!
The SSS compatibility patch requires the Regent Armory assets, so download my version and follow the instructions on the SSS page.