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Created by

Axel Gustafsson

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About this mod

A collection of Viking-related weaponry.

Permissions and credits
That this is widely used baffles me, I made this as my first dive into 3D-modeling and this very mod later got me into game development, which is my current career.

I have since long lost any files related to this project, but I give my full permission for any ports or re-use, compilations or whatever.

A collection of Viking-related weaponry.
Craftable with Steel Smithing/Spawnable in the Console. (Type: help "Viking" 4).

1.0 --- Release
1.1 --- Added War/Two-Handed Axe/Shield.
1.2 --- Added two Viking Kite Shields. (Blue/Green).
1.3 --- Added two round shields. (Blue/Yellow) and (Dragon)
1.4 --- Added battered round shield.
--- Noticed that the battered shield has a slight texture error in the lower parts, will be fixed in due time, along with the round shields' object error.
1.5 --- Updated the Viking Axe textures.
1.6 --- Updated .bsa-file, invisible items-glitch should now be fixed. Re-install my mod.

Also available on the Steam Workshop under the same name.