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About this mod
This mod has provide many of new weapon idle animations, and they are full set (including walk/run/turn). You can choose different style to replace the vanilla, Just try it and I wish you like it.
- Requirements
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Mod name Notes Dynamic Animation Replacer Xpmse xpms or xpmse choose one - Permissions and credits
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- Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
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If you want upload my files on other sites, At least let me know first.
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- Changelogs
Version 1.438
- Adjust crossbow release idle animation specifically for female character.
- Adjust archer sneak bow group(drawlight/idledrawn/release) idle animations for match pca default sneak idle.
- Adjust bow walk fw idle animation.
Version 1.433
- adjust bow and bowdrawn walkforward.
- improve crossbow group.(stand and sneak)
- add specific sneak bow and sneak crossbow animation files for match for highheel.
- improve sneak idles which are specific for highheels.
- add walkfw/run fw/sprint fw for crossbow.
- adjusted 2hm/2hw slayer style weapon draw(equip) idle which will draw weapon faster. you can still find the previous version in "undefined" folder.
- improve sneakrun fw.
- add esp which contain a ring ("ring of pca") for equiped it to apply to use specific sneak idle files for match for highheels. those animation files asigned to dar folder "16030195".
- slayer 2hm idle animations are move out from dar folder.
Version 1.431
- adjust ranger and ranger fq sneak bow group. sneak_(drawlight/drawn/release)
- adjust and align ranger and ranger fq bow group. (drawlight/drawn/release)
- adjust bow walkforward.
- adjust sneakrun fw, align sneakrun camera height to same as sneak mode height.
- use dar folder to separate specific genders instead specific genders folder and path patch, So fnis or nemesis specific genders patch are no more necessary.
- specific bow animations for female will load from dar folder 16030100.
- specific bow animations for male will load from dar folder 16030101.
- specific 2hm equip animations for female will load from dar folder 16030120.
- specific 2hm equip animations for male will load from dar folder 16030121.
- specific 2hw animations for female will load from dar folder 16030130.
- specific 2hw animations for male will load from dar folder 16030131.
- h2h style 01 will load from dar folder 16030198, and style 02 will load from dar folder 16030199, with dar condtion setup, only when characters are "not moving" will apply to use those animations files.
- 2hm additional weapon hold style animations will load from dar folder 16030125, with dar condition setup, only when characters are "using greatsword and moving" will apply to use those animations files.
Version 1.376a
- Add male style bow idleheld option, female can use as well, but you need manually copy from male folder to female folder.
Adjust sneak turn animations, now sneak turn right is much better.
Add PCA light version which is remove 1hm option, pca 1hm overhual is takecover it.
Fix 2h runforward camera height.
- Add male style bow idleheld option, female can use as well, but you need manually copy from male folder to female folder.
Version 1.376
- 2hm/w slayer style adjust, increase distance between the foot.
bow ranger style adjust (standing/ draw/ withdraw/ turn), add simple breathing effect.
sneak and sneak 1hm adjust.
1hm "SpellSowrd" rename to "Guardian" Style.
remove extra 1hm block and extra dw sprint option, now they are contents with "1hm overhaul", a specific renew version for "Weapon Master" and "Guardian" Style.
- 2hm/w slayer style adjust, increase distance between the foot.
Version 1.375a
- Rebuild shield block animations, add shd_blockbashintro.hkx to complete full set block animations.
- Adjust dw sprint that make it looks better when srpintting and righthand is equiped magic and lefthand is equiped sword.
- ???
Version 1.375
- Adjust wp master extra equip style unequip animation.
- Fomod repackage.
- Restore vanilla sneak turn option.
Version 1.374
- 1hm wp master style position balance. (stand/draw/sheath/turn)
Bow ranger style position balance. (stand/draw/sheath/turn)
Add new equip/unequip(draw/sheathe) animations for 1hm/dag with wp master.
2hm/w warrior style adjust, add turn animations for warrior style.
Sneak position adjust, add sneak turning animations, replace static sneak turn pose, fix sneak_bow Drawn with turning problems.
Extra sneak position option is remove from fomod option, you can still find it from installer folder.
Correct 1hm spellsword style install path with fomod.
- 1hm wp master style position balance. (stand/draw/sheath/turn)
Version 1.373
- 1.37a-1.373
Bow "Ranger" style.
Ranger1. Draw/Sheathe(eq/unequip)/Turning/Standing adjusted.
Ranger2. Runforward animation adjusted.
Ranger3. Add extra bow stand position option which can be smoother from bow stand position switch to arrow nock position. (Bow_Idleheld --> Bow_DrawLight/Heavy)
One-Handed Melee(1hm/dagger) "WeaponMaster" style.
WeaponMaster1. Turning/Standing adjusted.
WeaponMaster2. Run Fw/Fwl/Fwr/Run L/R and Run StrafeL/R adjusted.
WeaponMaster3. Walk Fw and Walk L/R adjusted.
WeaponMaster4. One hand/Duel Wield and "Dagger all style draw/sheathe adjusted.
Two-Handed Melee(2hm/2hw) "Slayer" style.
Slayer1.Draw/Sheathe/Turning/Standing adjusted.
Slayer2.All Run/Walk adjusted/facelift.
One-Handed Melee(1hm/dagger) "SpellSword" style.
SpellSword1-Back sheath style sheathe adjust.
Sneak Style 01-sneak_1hm position adjust.
1hm "Ninja" Style option is remove, but you still can found it in the fomod pack.
1hm "SpellSword" style one hand draw option is remove.
2hm extra moving option is remove.
- 1.37a-1.373
Version 1.43
- add refocus and pull bow arm shaking motion for ranger bowdrawn and sneak bowdrawn for female, adjust for whole bow/sneakbow group(drawlight/drawn/release).
- add new bowdrawn walkfw/bw, adjust sneak runforward "for both genders".
- renew 2hm and bow runforward, adjust bow walk forward.
- add additional 2hm weapon hold style option for moving (walk/run/sprint).
- add additional bow run style option.
- adjust ranger fq bow drawlight/heavy and sneak bow drawlight for female
Version 1.42
- Adjust sneak style 02.
- Adjust 2hm sprint forward.
- Remove 2hm run straferight.
- Renew bow sprint forward.
- Renew bow walk forward.
Version 1.41
- Remove outdated file and pictures.
- Correction for archer sneak draw style, add adjusted file for specific gender.
- adjust sneak bow draw animation for ranger default and qf style (for male character).
Version 1.37a1
- Add missing sneak turn animation file for "sneak turn" option
Version 1.37a
- 1.Correct fomod folder name and install path.
2.Adjust "weapon master" style back unequip idle sheathe annotation for solve loop issue when withdraw in walking or running state.
- 1.Correct fomod folder name and install path.
Version 1.37
- 1.Crossbow equip idle adjust.
2.Add Dwarven Crossbow idle.
3.Adjust all sneak Crossbow idle.
- 1.Crossbow equip idle adjust.
Version 1.36f
- 1.1hm "weapon master" Style renew, now is more compatible with 1hm and dualwield.
2.New default 1hm eq/uneq idle for "weapon master" released.
3.Default dagger eq/uneq and extra dagger back eq/uneq idle is renew for match new "weapon master" position.
4.Extra dualwield back eq/uneq idle is renew for match new "weapon master" position.
5.Extra 1hm back eq/uneq option for "weapon master" is available.
6.h2h(Karate) equip idle renew, now both karate style is also contain eq/uneq idle.
- 1.1hm "weapon master" Style renew, now is more compatible with 1hm and dualwield.
Version 1.36e
- Add bowdrawn turn idle for male and female
Version 1.36d
- Adjust spellsword 1hm left hand position for more fit to use with shield.
Adjust spellsword eq/uneq idle.
Adjust dw and 1hm sprint idle.
Add extra dw sprint option.
Add extra 1hm equip and 1hm back equip option for spellsword style.
Add fq bow draw for sneak style 02.
- Adjust spellsword 1hm left hand position for more fit to use with shield.
Version 1.36c
- Replace bow idle for male character, all bow idles for female now is inside the female folder.
Ranger qf version is back.
1hm run forward and fw left/right idle adjsut.
Add back sheathe sword draw for 1hm "spellsword" style.
Add sneak turn idle option.
Sneak idle adjust.
2hm eq idle adjust for female.
2hm and 2hw "warrior" idle adjust.
2hm and 2hw "warrior" style eq idle replace.
- Replace bow idle for male character, all bow idles for female now is inside the female folder.
Version 1.36b
- Dagger back sheathe eq/uneq idle adjust for match SpellSword" 1hm style.
Remove guardian and duelist 1hm style option.
Replace eq/uneq idle for WeaponMaster 1hm style.
Add 1hm sword back sheathe eq/uneq option for "WeaponMaster" 1hm style.
Add dagger back sheathe eq/uneq option for "WeaponMaster" 1hm style.
1hm walk/run fw and fw left/right idle adjust.
1hm and dw sprint idle adjust.
- Dagger back sheathe eq/uneq idle adjust for match SpellSword" 1hm style.
Version 1.36a
- Spellsword style 1hm idle adjust.
Spellsword style 1hm eq/uneq idle adjust.
Weapon master 1hm style head positon adjsut.
All 1hm walk idle adjust, runforward idle adjust.
Fix warlord uneq idle no sound issue.
Replace turn idle for 1hm spellsword style.
Replace turn idle for bow ranger style.
Replace turn idle for crossbow idle.
Bow and sneakbow idle renew, Archer style remove, add origin sneak bow option.
Sneak and sneak 1hm idle adjust.
Bow runforward idle ajdust.
remove mt idle hkx from h2h style.
- Spellsword style 1hm idle adjust.
Version 1.35
- Fixed wrong 1hm turn idle.
Adjust 1hm walk forward, run forward and run left.
Add 2hm moving option.
- Fixed wrong 1hm turn idle.
Version 1.33
- 1. 2hm slayer idle adjsut, 2hm slayer eq/unep idle adjsut, All 2hm walk/run idle renew, Only backward is optional can choose from Fomod option. 2hm block idle renew, now it is an option in fomod.
2. Add "Warlord" style option for 1hm/dw which is contain new draw weapon idle is design for "back sheath" skeleton and "Dual Sheath Redux". All 1hm/dw run/walk/dash idle adjust, Now character is holding weapon with fist when they are moving.
3. h2h style02 Adjsut.
4. Remove few wrong idle and and correct path.
- 1. 2hm slayer idle adjsut, 2hm slayer eq/unep idle adjsut, All 2hm walk/run idle renew, Only backward is optional can choose from Fomod option. 2hm block idle renew, now it is an option in fomod.
Version 1.32
- All sneak idles adjust.
Version 1.31
- Bow release idle adjust.
2hm warrior style adjust.
Add back dagger_eq option.
Remove block idle from all 1hm option, now it is in shield block option under misc group.
- Bow release idle adjust.
Version 1.4
- 1. renew sneak turn animation.
- 2 adjust sneak bow draw animation for ranger default and qf style (for female character).
- 3. align and correct position between sneak bow draw and sneak bow release. (for female character)
- 4. add new sneak run animation option.. (fw/fwl/fwr/bw/bwl/bwr)
- algin sneak position between sneak, sneak 1hm and sneak bow
Version 1.3
- 1hm/dw idles adjust.
Add block option.
- 1hm/dw idles adjust.
Version 1.2e
- 1hm Weapon Master, Duelist, Guardian, spell sword runleft , runright and walkforward idle adjust.
1hm spell sword equip idle adjust.
bow draw idle adjust.
ranger bow fq option is back.
spell sword extra and ninja sprint idle adjust.
- 1hm Weapon Master, Duelist, Guardian, spell sword runleft , runright and walkforward idle adjust.
Version 1.2d
- Add spell sword 1hm option.
Align stand and sneak idles.
Ninja 1hm style option available,"Only for back sheathe(xpms option). Only for 1hm or dagger, not for dual wield!"
- Add spell sword 1hm option.
Version 1.2c
- Bow idles adjust.
Crossbow idles adjust.
Sneak style 01 adjust
Add sword spell 1hm option.
Remove combat stand option.
Remove 1hm non fist option.
- Bow idles adjust.
Version 1.2b1
- walk forward/ forward left/ forward right adjust.
Version 1.2b
- Make NMM Pack Compatible with Bain user.
- Add Combat stand idle extra and gender option.
- 1hm walk fwright idle adjust, 1hm equip and unequip idle adjust.
- bow run fw idle adjust, add bow walk idles.
- bow, 1hm and dw sprint idle adjust.
- 2hm eq idle adjust.
- crossbow equip and unequip idle adjust.
Version 1.2a
- Mythic Collection 1.2a Released.
1.all 2hm run and walk idle adjust, 2hm "Warrior" style adjust.
2.all 1hm run and walk idle adjust.
3.Bow run left/fw left idle adjust, bow equip idle adjust.
4.Add vanilla in each option with NMM Installer.
- Mythic Collection 1.2a Released.
Version 1.2
- Mythic Collection 1.2 Released.
1.Add "non fist" option for each 1hm style, probably can be more smooth and more compatibility when you have one hand is equipped magic.
2.All 1hm style equip/unequip idle has been replaced, if you dont like the new one, you still can find the old one in "Temporary 1hm" in Miscellaneous.
3.Dagger equip/unequip idle has been replaced, dagger idle is same as 1hm idle, depend which 1hm style you choose.
4.One more h2h style option available.
5.Combat Stand Idle ("CSI") wrong path correct.
- Mythic Collection 1.2 Released.
Version 1.1d
- Mythic Collection 1.1d Released.
1."Weapon Master" 1hm/dw idle adjust.
2.Replace "Weapon Master" 1hm/dw idle drawing (equip/unequip) idles, next update will also replace "Guardian" and "Duelist". Strongly recommend use with csi (combat stand idle) option.
3.Adjust "Warrior" 2hm idle, Fix arm too close body problems.
4.Add pci old sneak style option.
- Mythic Collection 1.1d Released.
Version 1.1c
- Mythic Collection 1.1c Released.
Male and Female Bow draw idles adjust.
Bow run idles adjust.
Bow drawn fingers adjust.
crossbow turn idles adjust.
Ranger style sneak bow draw full motion available.
fix sneak bow draw sound bug.
2hm new style available, 2hm option rename, now they are "slayer" and "warrior"
- Mythic Collection 1.1c Released.
Version 1.1b1
- Add crossbow turn idle.
- Add Belt-Fastened Quiver option for bow draw idle.
- Add combat stand idle option, use this will make PCI work more smooth.
Version 1.1b
- Mythic Collection 1.1b Release.
Adjust all sneak idle.
Adjust 2hm block idle.
Crossbow option is available.
- Mythic Collection 1.1b Release.
Version 1.1a
- Mythic Collection 1.1a Release.
Adjust 2hm eq/uneq idle.
Adjsut bow eq/uneq idle.
Adjust "Weapon Master" idle.
Adjust 1hm sprint idle.
Adjust sneak/sneak 1hm idle.
- Mythic Collection 1.1a Release.
Version 1.0f
- Mythic Collection 1.0f Release.
Add origin twist file, Preview is include inside folder, such you will know what different between each other.
Female bow draw position balance.
Dw sprint finger adjust.
Guardian 1hm idle adjust.
1hm and 1hm eq/unep finger adjust.
1hm sprint idle adjust.
- Mythic Collection 1.0f Release.
Version 1.0e
- Mythic Collection 1.0e Release.
1hm/2hm/bow all idle twist to fit for clothes "skin" "weight", will release origin twist optional for choice.
1hm run left/forward idle adjust.
female bow draw idle adjust.
1hm/2hm/bow eq/uneq idle adjust.
2hm walk/run bw/bwl/bwr adjust.
add bow run fw/fwl/fwr idle.
add bow drawn turn left/right idle.
add bow release idle.
add 1hm sprint idle.
add bow sprint idle.
add dw sprint idle.
- Mythic Collection 1.0e Release.
Version 1.0d
- Mythic Collection 1.0d Release.
2hm walk fwl/r replace.
Ranger sneak bow release idle adjust.
- Mythic Collection 1.0d Release.
Version 1.0c
- Version 1.0c
Mythic Collection 1.0c Release.
New karate option available.
New sneak bow draw alpha option available for female.
1hm eq/uneq idle position balance.
Renew 1hm and 2hm walk fwl/fwr idle.
- Version 1.0c
Version 1.0b
- Mythic Collection 1.0b Release.
Fixed 1hm weapon draw no sound problem.
Sneak and sneak bow draw camera position align.
Bow release idle remove, Sneak bow release idle adjust.
All 1hm idle body posistion balance, Change 1hm turn idle.
Weapon master option active, Solution for player use 1 handed weapon also use dual wield weapon.
- Mythic Collection 1.0b Release.
Version 1.0a
- Mythic Collection 1.0a Release.
Including 1hm/2hm/bow/dw/sneak, all idle redone/adjust, bow idle under folder "animations" > male and female, specific bow idle twist for female character, don't replace each other, and Fnis "Gender Specific Animation" is essential.
- Mythic Collection 1.0a Release.
- Donations
Straight donations accepted
This mod has provide many of new weapon idle animations, and they are full set (including walk/run/turn). You can choose different style to replace the vanilla, Just try it and I wish you like it. If you like it don't forgot comeback to endorse or donate to let me keep go on, Thanks.
1. In case male hand is little bit longer than female in default game set, so I have twisted character hand position in some idle animation and make it match for specific gender.
2. When I test to put bow group in to specific genders folder, it cause T pose swap issue as the gif shows , so I decide change to use dar to separate female gender, and it is work fine in this solution. So, after PCA version 1.431 (Dar) Dynamic Animation Replacer is required.
3. Pretty Combat Animations(Pca) are also contain specific bow draw/withdraw(eq/unequip) option for match for "Frostfall by Chesko" Belt-Fastened Quiver style, "XPMS" or "XPMSE" or kind of custom skeleton is required for FQ bow draw animations.
Beside, xpmse contain his default weapon idle animations, please untick those style fitting option to make sure my pca animations will not be overwrite by xpmse.
Pca are no longer contain and update for 1hm/dw/dagger file, If 1hm still have update available, It will only on "PCA-1hm Overhual".
Downlaod the main file, install with NMM or Mo, flexibility, simple and quick, recommended pick "skeleton arm fix" with fnis generate once you install or remove Pca.
Recommended to use with my another modPretty Staff And Magic Cast Animations and PCA-1hm Overhaul.
Little promo here, I just upload a screenshot which is a relationship description about my little story "top"
Special thanks Tesher441313 "Ian H. Pickman" help me to completing my "Pca" Fomod English translation.
you can found the animation file in path:
X:The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim >Data >meshes >actors >character >animations > xxx.hkx.
just remove it,now the character will return vanilla idle with original game set.
Recommend Mod:
1.Pretty Female Idles
2.Pretty Sit Idles
3.Pretty Staff And Magic Cast Animations
4.Pretty Jump Animations
5.Pretty Motion Package
6.PCA 1hm Overhaul
7.PCA Arrow Attach Kit
8.Samurai Killmove
9.Dual Sheath Redux
[NINI]GothaRensa (google
[NINI]Kokoro (google
BDO-Ranger's Berne Armor (google
Hedge Mage Armor
Nyra's Armor (not nexus file, plz google.)
Bless Armors Pack (not nexus file, plz google.)
TERA Armors Collection
zzjays wardrobe
Scarlet Dawn Armor
Crimson Twilight Armor
Ultimate Assortment
Noldor Content Pack
Collection by Deserter X
ESO Altmer Armor
Mod use for Screenshot:
1.Cr enb, Sometime I use other.
2.Enhance character edit (ECE) and ece extend
3.fair skin (not all sources
4.Ks hair
5.Sg texture (head textures
7.xpms /xpmse (manually install)
other works
This mod has provide many of new weapon idle animations, and they are full set (including walk/run/turn). You can choose different style to replace the vanilla, Just try it and I wish you like it. If you like it don't forgot comeback to endorse or donate to let me keep go on, Thanks.
1. In case male hand is little bit longer than female in default game set, so I have twisted character hand position in some idle animation and make it match for specific gender.
2. When I test to put bow group in to specific genders folder, it cause T pose swap issue as the gif shows , so I decide change to use dar to separate female gender, and it is work fine in this solution. So, after PCA version 1.431 (Dar) Dynamic Animation Replacer is required.
3. Pretty Combat Animations(Pca) are also contain specific bow draw/withdraw(eq/unequip) option for match for "Frostfall by Chesko" Belt-Fastened Quiver style, "XPMS" or "XPMSE" or kind of custom skeleton is required for FQ bow draw animations.
Beside, xpmse contain his default weapon idle animations, please untick those style fitting option to make sure my pca animations will not be overwrite by xpmse.

Pca are no longer contain and update for 1hm/dw/dagger file, If 1hm still have update available, It will only on "PCA-1hm Overhual".
Downlaod the main file, install with NMM or Mo, flexibility, simple and quick, recommended pick "skeleton arm fix" with fnis generate once you install or remove Pca.
Recommended to use with my another modPretty Staff And Magic Cast Animations and PCA-1hm Overhaul.
Little promo here, I just upload a screenshot which is a relationship description about my little story "top"
Special thanks Tesher441313 "Ian H. Pickman" help me to completing my "Pca" Fomod English translation.
you can found the animation file in path:
X:The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim >Data >meshes >actors >character >animations > xxx.hkx.
just remove it,now the character will return vanilla idle with original game set.
Recommend Mod:
1.Pretty Female Idles
2.Pretty Sit Idles
3.Pretty Staff And Magic Cast Animations
4.Pretty Jump Animations
5.Pretty Motion Package
6.PCA 1hm Overhaul
7.PCA Arrow Attach Kit
8.Samurai Killmove
9.Dual Sheath Redux
[NINI]GothaRensa (google
[NINI]Kokoro (google
BDO-Ranger's Berne Armor (google
Hedge Mage Armor
Nyra's Armor (not nexus file, plz google.)
Bless Armors Pack (not nexus file, plz google.)
TERA Armors Collection
zzjays wardrobe
Scarlet Dawn Armor
Crimson Twilight Armor
Ultimate Assortment
Noldor Content Pack
Collection by Deserter X
ESO Altmer Armor
Mod use for Screenshot:
1.Cr enb, Sometime I use other.
2.Enhance character edit (ECE) and ece extend
3.fair skin (not all sources
4.Ks hair
5.Sg texture (head textures
7.xpms /xpmse (manually install)
other works