I was always disappointed with the lack of actual lightning during thunder storms.
The ground would light up, the rain was real, the thunder would sound so great, but I never saw any sheet lightning strikes in the sky or fork lightning strikes hitting the ground?
Seeing as this has still not been fixed, I made this small mod to provide...
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
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File credits
Based heavily on the games storm call lightning
Credits : PlayerTwo for the Video Links, the Sheet Nifs, The Visual tweeking, etc. basically helping me on the mod. RandoomNoob for the scripting assistence. Cipscis & JustinOther for the nice tutorials online and the Wiki work. Arsenalrobert for the Video Link of version 1.0 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_KqjQVIP1k Cocknocker, for the requirement ;o) Jet Set Willy, for the beta testing.
Many thanks to the following for the MCM Menu translations:- Czech : Vanilka French : Bufle Spanish : Gomstor! Original Polish : olbins / Magda Italian : Lucasssvt German : Mahlzeit88 Russian : Const24 Portuguese : Alexsilvestre
Donation Points system
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Lightning during Thunder Storms Hungarian translation
Version 23.0
By request revelationman - Added global variables to hold the MCM menu default values
Version 22.0
Added Czech translations : Vanilka
Added French translations : Bufle
Small bug fix to range of projectile strikes
Version 21.1
Loose files version incorrectly included a base script Mineore.pex this has now been removed
Version 21.0
Fixed config menu to work against MCM 3.2
Fixed order the menu was shown within MCM (e.g. it was always shown 1st)
Version 20.3.Beta
Added German translations : Mahlzeit88
Fixed broken animation
Removed broken strike sound
Added Force Weather option
Corrected translation key for globals tooltip
Version 20.2.Beta
Added Spanish translations : Gomstor! Original
Added Polish translations : olbins / Magda
Added Italian translations : Lucasssvt
Version 20.1.Beta
Added support for SkyUI MCM (Mod Configuration Menu)
Removed update.esm as a master dependency due to issues with the CK
Cleaned mod - Removed incorrect change to base ChainLightningLeftHand!
Fixed sheet strikes incorrectly using fork bloom level.
Added support to remove Legacy Config Menus.
Version 19.0
Removed isRaining() check as COT 2.1 contains thunder weathers with no rain.
Version 18
Repacked and uploaded to include missing parent scripts.
Split downloads into both .bsa and loose file formats.
Version 14.0
Re-uploaded to resolve deployment issues with CK and NMM
Corrected version number displayed in game to 14.0 - skipping 12 & 13 due to deployment issues on Steam Workshop.
By Request (RavenousRaven9) Corrected the default bloom animation times which was causing a white out!
By Request (phaota) data directory added to archive to support NMM
By Request (xNoobxSaibotx): Fork strike sound changed to one more thunderbolt like ;o) THUNDER :o)
By Request (jacktthompson): Flaged which settings are the defaults within the menus before they are changed.
By Request (arlie0527): Smoke added to burning effect after a strike.
Major increments (12/13/14/etc) are due to how Steam workshop handles versioning of uploads!
Version 11.2
Manually repackaged BSA due to version 11.0 not working
12 *NEW* Sheet effects (created by PlayerTwo)
Code rework to allow more control over both fork and sheet strikes.
Better Menu System and you are now given the book on game start.
All variables are now global - see "help minty 3" in console,
Removed ring requirement to see debugging menu - renamed to misc and always visable.
The strikes should not be hostile anymore, unless you want them to be.
Toned down the explosion factors.
By Request (Tom2681) : Fixed bloom menu.
* Compiled against Ver of Creation Kit.
Version 11.0
* Compiled against Ver of Creation Kit.
Failed Upload! Corrupted .bsa - do not use.
Version 10.0
By Request: (PlayerTwo): Changed max multipliers, Fork range to 3, Sheet range to 4
By Request: (PlayerTwo): Added 0.15 as the default wait time for animations
By Request: (PlayerTwo): Changed sound of fork strikes and added explosion
Request: (ryus27): Chance to leave a Fire when hitting grass or roof tops.
By Request: (Gantar): Strikes now come from above the clouds? Previously they started underneath the clouds.
New Default Values; You are still free to change these via the config options, but the defaults look great!
Reworked debugging menus.
Lightning Strikes during Thunder Storms.
I was always disappointed with the lack of actual lightning during thunder storms!
The ground would light up, the rain was real, the thunder would sound so great, but I never saw any sheet lightning strikes in the sky or fork lightning strikes hitting the ground?
Seeing as this has still not been fixed, (as off 1.9 update) I created this small mod to provide some realistic lightning effects with both fork and sheet lightning strikes.
The lightning strikes can be configured to be either Fork, Sheet or both, each with distant or local strike configurable chances, they can hurt, or just be a harmless visual effect within the game.
(configurable - SkyUI - Mod Configuration Manager support for MCM 3.4) (configurable - No SKSE - check your inventory for a book, read this for a spell, found under powers, cast this for the configuration menu)
If you like this mod then please Endorse and Vote for it so I get a little warm feeling inside, that someone appreciates my work :D
Works best along side the following mods:- SkyUI - SkyRim Nexus Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - LightingSkyRim Nexus Lightning Patch for Climates Of Tamriel Support - SkyRim Nexus Real Rain - SkyRim Nexus
See Latest Changes, and report any bugs you find, or request features you would like to see.
Credits:- All the kind people who have endorsed my mod - you know who you are ;o) PlayerTwo for the great video work, the sheet lightning .nifs and his constant help with the Mod. RandoomNoob & JustinOther for the scripting assistence.
Translations credits for MCM Menu support- (JAPANESE still needed):- Czech : Vanilka French : Bufle / Brundle Mouche Spanish : Gomstor! Original Polish : olbins / Magda Italian : Lucasssvt German : Mahlzeit88 Russian : Const24 Portuguese : Alexsilvestre
Images are from in-game screen shots (myself and other welcome contributers). Screenies are hard to capture and especialy - 'That Moment'. So thanks for all the user submissions.