About this mod
A graphical modification that aims to achieve photo realistic graphics in Skyrim, similar to game titles such as Crysis and Battlefield.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

The absolute highest quality ssao, reflection and detailed shadows
Realistic skin and hair
High quality Bokeh Depth of field
photorealistic lighting
Flora and vegetation based on Crysis' lighting
Nights based on Crysis
Daytime skylighting based on Battlefield 3/4
Uses directional lighting
Vibrant colours
Photorealistic water
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Install guide:
Classic version:
1. Just unpack to the Skyrim directory (where the launcher is)
2. Download the d3d9.dll from http://www.enbdev.com/mod_tesskyrim_v0102.htm
Just download the file by clicking the downwards facing arrow in the box.
Then take the d3d9.dll from the downloaded file and also place it in your skyrim directory.
3.Activate all esps that come with the mod.
4. Enjoy!
Classic installation video:
Version 5:
1. Place all files extracted from the downloaded file, into the Skyrim directory, where your skyrim launcher is.
2. Then download the d3d9.dll from http://www.enbdev.com/mod_tesskyrim_v0231.htm
Just download the file by clicking the downwards facing arrow in the box.
Then take the d3d9.dll from the downloaded file and place it in your skyrim directory. (where the launcher is)
3. Enjoy! :)
IMPORTANT! Both versions require these changes in your SkyrimPrefs.ini, this is located in "my documents", then from there, go to "my game" and finally open the folder called "Skyrim"!

Uninstall guide:
Delete all files in the directory and data folder that came within this mod (the file you downloaded)
Do not download are install with Nexus mod manager! I left that option so people can see when I update, manual install only!
ENB is NOT compatible with 3rd party tools OSD, such as MSI afterburner, EVGA precision,etc...
That's why you get immediate CTDs. Disable these tools OSD by creating a TESV.exe profile for them and disabling OSD for this app.
Doing so, you can still run Afterburner for overclocking profiles, and run ENB at the same time.
ENB has got its own integrated FPS counter, as stated by Quad2core.
This mod achieves its visuals through, effects lighting and colour, no textures other than a sun glare and white water fix are present :)
Grass shadows are a problem introduced in the 1.5 skyrim patch. These are fixed in later versions of this mod, the classic version unfortunately will never be fixed due to the games engine.
Thank you for using Sharpshooter's extreme graphics ENB, if you have any questions or problems that haven't been answered here, feel free to ask them in the comments section of this mod :)!

Credits also go to ENBseries creator's Boris Vorontsov for ENB
Credits go to the amazing user wildeyes for giving me something to start with.
Credits to JJC71 for some great advice and support, a truly great guy!
Credits to reaper1982, beta tester and support, a great guy!
Credits to Diegog 5 for screenshots and feedback
Credits to Matso for permission to use his dof
Credits to Sung9533 for permission to use some aspects of his configuration
Credits to Confidence man for his glowing water at night fix
Credits to tromezee for finding a crossfire fix
Credits to Althear for permission to include his water fix
Credits to SamEkinci and xDoshux for their patch
Credits to the realistic lighting with customisation team!