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About this mod

Adds Dancing Animations to the game.

Permissions and credits

Videos as requested(audio added to the videos):

Requires: FNIS 5.5+, SKSE, SkyUI.
Optional: SKSE, Animation Speed Control.
Install and activate it via NMM
Drop everything into %skyrimrootdirectory%Data (replace if asked) ; activate it via SkyrimLauncher.exe -> Data files

Please run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe after you install this mod.
Disable ShakeIt!.esp, clean save with Skyrim Script Cleaner, type skit into the box, hit delete selected and save.

You receive 2 new spells:
"Dance for me" - Makes NPC dance. (Default: random animation+music)
"Dance for you" - makes Player dance. (Default: random animation+music)
To configure your preferred dance/music navigate to MCM menu "ShakeIt!"
To use music download MUSIC PACK and unzip it into DATA folder.
On the first page you will be able to choose whether you would have specific spell, dialogue or both.
If you want to modify animations speed you will have to get Animation Speed Control 3 SKSE Plugin
On the second page select your preferred dance or use random dance selection system.
Third page lets you choose between 27 music tracks or disable them.
Last page gives an option to modify dance/music reference for instance you can play po pi po song while dancing cirno's perfect math class.

At the moment we have following animations.
Hatsune Miku Po Pi Po Dance - 1
Perfect Star Dance - 2
Megu Megu Fire Dance - 3
Matryoshka Dance - 4
Kero Destiny Dance - 5
Honey Honey Dance - 6
Suzumiya Haruhi OP Dance - 7
GEDDAN Meme Dance - 8
Elektrika Dance - 9
Cpt. Murasa Dance - 10
Cirno's Perfect Math Class Dance - 11
Belly Dance - 12
Affection - 13
Balalaika - 14
CaramelDansen - 15
Go My Way - 16
Levan Polka - 17
Nyan Nyan - 18
Parajiku Miku - 19
Watch the Ending Point - 20
MeikoNostalgic - 21
LoveCirculation - 22
NumaNuma - 23
PandaHero - 24
Shuffle - 25
WhiteLetter - 26
WorldIsMine - 27

Incompatible with:
Joshs Skyrim Behavior File Patcher
Please consider moving to FNIS from your previous behavior patcher as any other is incompatible.

~ RSV's, livedoor websites for tutorials, fore for FNIS, CPU for scripting the whole new mod and Japanese people for awesome animation work and sharing it with the world.
~Bethnesda for awesome game and Nexusmods.