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Cutthroat Mods

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About this mod

Adds a dialogue topic to the companion menu which when selected will update the companion\'s skills to their current level to keep pace with the player.

Permissions and credits
CM Companion Level Mod

NOTE: This mod is no longer necessary, since Skyrim Patch v.1.6 has fixed the bug. Companions will now level their skills every time the Player levels up.

Adds a dialogue topic to the companion menu which when selected will update the companion's skills to their current level to keep pace with the player. It is true that companions level up as the player does, but the default Bethesda companion system does not raise a companion's skills, so the companion becomes more and more useless as the player levels up.

The dialogue topic added is "What have you learned?" When activated, the companion will be disabled, which will cause he/she to disappear, moved to a position just behind the player, and then enabled again. A SetRace function is used to initiate the leveling of skills during this process, and therefore does not necessitate moving the companion's inventory to prevent items from being lost.

This mod will work with any mod that uses the Bethesda companion system, dialogue, and scripting. A new dialogue topic was added through a separate quest, so does not change the default nor can it conflict with anything else. It will work with standard Bethesda companions and levels up both normal companions and mercenaries.

It is strongly recommended that the AskFollowerSkills mod be used along with the CM Companion Level Mod so that you can see the changes made to the companions' skills.

Recommended Mods

- AskFollowerSkills - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10675
- CM New Companions Mod -
- Multiple Followers -
- Live Another Life - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9557

Installation Requirements for Version 1.0

Official Skyrim patch 1.5 or greater. Download and install using one of the following methods.

Installation - Nexus Mod Manager

Use the "Download with Manager" button on the CM Companions Level Mod page at Skyrim Nexus and activate after download.

Installation - Wrye Bash BAIN

Drop the CMCompanionLevel.esp and scripts folder into your Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers folder, and then activate.

Installation - Manual

Drop the CMCompanionLevel.esp and scripts folder into your Data folder.


If you used a mod management program, use it to uninstall. Otherwise delete CMCompanionLevel.esp from the Data folder and TIF__01000D65 from the scripts folder.

Load Order

Load order will not make any difference.

Incompatible Mods

The CM Companion Level mod should not conflict with any other mod. The default Bethesda companion system, dialogue, and scripting was not altered in any way and therefore will not conflict with any mod that changes the default system.

Known Issues



The original script fragment that is attached to the dialogue topic was based on Leon Fenton's spell scripting in his LFSpell Level Followers - Call Follower Mod and used with his permission.


Bethesda Forum discussions: http://forums.bethsoft.com/forum/184-the-creation-kit/

The Creation Kit Wiki Tutorials - http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Tutorials

The Creation Kit - Steam download listed under Tools.

Licensing and Legal

The CM Companion Level Mod was created by Cutthroat Mods and is furnished as is without promises or guarantees to be bug free or conflict free. Any bugs inherent in the game engine or Creation Kit are not the responsibility of Cutthroat Mods.

Do not upload this mod to any website without permission from Cutthroat Mods. Uploads to Steam Workshop are not permitted and will never be approved. Translations into other languages are permitted provided this Readme is included as is in English along with any translated versions. Translated files can be uploaded to any website except Steam Workshop. Permissions to do translations are not required. If you have any questions or concerns please send email to [email protected].

Revision History

Version 1.2 - Corrected bug in which two Nord races appeared in character creation menu. Eliminated version that did not level up mercenaries.

Version 1.1 - Revised script to use a SetRace function so that companion inventory does not have to be moved to prevent loss of items.

Version 1.0 - Initial release.