About this mod

Set off to discover a vast continent filled with deserts and jungles inhabited by a multitude of often dangerous animals as well as inhabitants generally hostile to your presence.

Permissions and credits
I am not the author of the base mod, all credit goes to roman kachalin/verflught. His mod Dasland 2.2.3 Russian LE and also the DLCs Dawnguard/Dragonborn are required.

Мод dasland, или хардкор и лютый трэш 1.0.7b

Set off to discover a vast continent filled with deserts and jungles inhabited by a multitude of often dangerous animals as well as inhabitants generally hostile to your presence. To do this, go to the docks of Solitude and then board the ship "South Siren". At the bottom of the hold, a portal will take you to the port city of Hornsville (the only city with hospitable inhabitants!) ... It's up to you to begin the exploration ... Now you can also listen to new music while traveling this world on horse, camel, dromedary, elephant, shark, dolphin ... A network of boats provides easy access to the islands.

There are no quests in the mod !

For the translations I added quite a few animals with custom sounds, many map markers, NPCs (In Hornsville: new vendors + some companions) and some plants. I also corrected some trees positioning errors (but impossible to detect everything, it's way too vast!)




roman kachalin/verflught

Mihail for the camel and the dromedary in Hammerfell Imports- Pedlars of Tamriel pt.2 (mihail immersive add-ons- redguard- camel) (with CD PROJEKT RED and LorSakyamuni ; InsanitySorrow), for the birds in Geese and Hammerfell Fowls- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail oldrim mod) , for the snakes in Serpents- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail oldrim mod) , for the bats in Enemy Bats - Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail oldrim mods) , for the terror bird in Terror Birds- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - tundra- megafauna) ; for the hummingbirds in Hummingbirds- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - animals) ; for the Megalania in Megalania- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons - lizard- megafauna reptile) ; for the Psittacosaur in Beaked Sauroids- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immerside add-ons- dinosaur- megafauna) , for the fishes*** in Demon Fishes- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail oldrim mod) , for the crows in Leshen and Nekkers and Crows- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail oldrim mod) and for the scorpions in Giant Scorpions - Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail oldrim mod)

Prionace- original dromedary model and textures (released as public domain on Zoo Hispania , initially for mods made for the game Zoo Tycon 2)

Triceraptor Rex and Okeanos- original camel model and textures (released as public domain on Aurora Designs , initially for mods made for the game Zoo Tycon 2)

The Peacocks are rigged by Mihail in his mod Peacocks- Mihail Monsters and Animals (mihail immersive add-ons- animals- birds) ("Feel free to use my mod in your projects, no need to ask me for permission first"), Peacock custom loot by Achronos11

Peacock model Repair by zenlyking

Tasheni for the outfits in Redguard Fashion - Tasheni Mod Project (with CDProject Red for one headwear model and RavenDier and singlebelong for the shawl), and for the Redguards Saddles and the Hammerfell horses in Tasheni Saddles Redguard Collection

Billyro for Alik'r Dragontail ; Sand Scorpion - A New Sword ;Falchion and Scorpion Scimitar (« Provided that you credit me - feel free to use my mods in your own projects, or port them to Bethesda.net »)

Sepharis for Redguard Noble Armor (« You can retexture/ edit however you want and re-upload on nexus only, with credit to me clearly written somewhere »)

poshspaz for Shield Symbols for Redguard Knightly Orders (« Modders resource for shield symbols »)

Stroti/Tamira for Strotis Cactus Resource

RoboBirdie for the Hyenas, the Ibex, the Elephants, the Bighorn and the Addax in New Creatures

Tamira for the Vulture and the Ravens in Mr Siika Ravens and Vultures

SpikeDragonLord and jboyd4 for the Dolphin in the mod Beasts of Tamriel ("However you can probably use the dolphin and you don't have to credit anyone")

Skinwalker21 for Giant Anteaters of Skyrim (Animal Series Pt.7) , Oviraptors of Skyrim - (Prehistoric Content Series Pt.6) ; Cassowaries of Skyrim (Animal Series Pt.6) ; Andrewsarchus - (Prehistoric Content Series Pt.4) ; Otters - (Animal Series Pt.10) (« feel free to use this in your other mod projects »)

Dogtown1 for the Shark in the mod Skyrim Monster Mod

GendunDrup in his mod Nexus Creature Resource for the Gallimimus, the Dilophom and the Triceratops ( models by Newermind43 -The Dinosaurus Era-)

Ga-Knomboe Boy forGKB Green Trees

Grensir for his soundtracks

Scott Buckley for his soundtracks

Free sounds

***MIHAIL DISCLAIMER*** (for the Goliath Tigerfish models and textures):

Thanks to Ubisoft and associates, specially to Far Cry 4 development teams Ubisoft Montreal, U. Shanghai, U. Reflections, U. Massive, U. Red Storm, U. Toronto and U. Kiev -
Remembering, as resquested
by Ubisoft, that this content:
It's not endorsed by Ubisoft or associates,
or related to their games, specially Far Cry 4;
It's not made for commercial usage, it's completely nonprofit,
as all of my work, including my fully authoral work;
And i don't own it, so, i don't challenge
Ubisoft's copyright on such assets.
