About this mod
Simple ENB mod with better lighting, sun shafts, bloom and more
- Permissions and credits
- Mirrors
Skyrim ENB is a graphics mod based on oryginal ENB mod created by Boris Vorontsov.
I wanted the modification to actually rejuvenate the game's graphics and at the same time be playable and at the same time retain the atmosphere of the original Skyrim.
The land is dangerous and hard to live in, so increasing saturation, brightness and contrast, as can be found in other mods, did not really appeal to me.
It is dark, gloomy, gloomy and mysterious - aspects that are missing in today's, modern games. I tested the modification on the RTX 4060 TI 8GB graphics card.
Unfortunately, I am not able to check how it will behave on AMD cards or weaker equipment, but I did not feel any FPS drops after installing the mod and configuring the preset.
I will also post a link to SkyrimPrefs.ini if anyone would like to run the modification on exactly the same settings as on the images (I used the "optimized" variant)
Ver1.0 - Download archive(I recommend installing WinRAR or 7-Zip beforehand to open the archive) and then extract all its contents to the game main folder.
Ver1.1 - Download archive, open it and then extract all files from "Main_files" folder to the game main folder. Optional, if you want darker night, copy enberies.ini from the Optional folder to main game files folder and repleace enberies.ini from Main_files.
Excample game file's location:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim
- D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim
You can also find the game file locations through Steam. Select Skyrim from the list of games, then click the little gear on the right and select "manage" and the second item from the top "Browse local files"
Potential bugs and problems
- If there are any issues with the modification, the creator has created official documentation that can help resolve the issues http://enbdev.com/doc_en.htm
- I recommend do not mixing mod with another ENB presets to avoid potential screen glitches or bugs. ReShade's shouldn't making any troubles.
- In enblocal.ini ReservedMemorySizeMb value I set up on 2048 for 8GB+ VRAM graphics cards. If you have 4GB VRAM GPU, maybe you should change it for 1024, for 6GB GPU, 1536 value. For 3GB/2GB or lower VRAM I gave advice to not install ENB.
Boris Vorontsov http://enbdev.com
Used SkyrimPrefs.ini https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/119612